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August 14, 2011


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A quite unusual combination but it sounds very interesting to try.


That really is a particular combination, but I can see it working. I actually prepare a balsamic-strawberry jam I serve with cheese, and eggs go well with everything, really. Actually, I'm sure it is delicious.

Alicia (foodycat)

How unexpected! But it looks delicious. Almost like one of the French souffle omelettes, but with a bit more substance.


Hi Simona,I'd like to hear from you for the 7 link game. Please consider taking it up if you have a minute to spare

You are really a professional cheese maker! And this frittata is so strange sounding, that it must be incredibly good!



A gorgeous frittata! Thanks!


Wow! What a dish!

Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy. I know, it sounds strange, but it is really good.

Ciao Caffettiera. Balsamic strawberry jam also sounds interesting. The part that I was particularly happy about is the texture of the various components.

Thanks, Alicia.

Ciao Pola. I will certainly play the game. Just give me a few days: thanks for the invitation!

Thanks, Lynne.

Pretty colorful too, Paz.


complimenti collega di WHB


I am looking forward to trying this experiment myself. Wow, strawberries macerated in balsamic and roasted.

Simona Carini

Grazie, fragoliva.

Hi Claudia. Ever since I did my first test, I have been enchanted by roasted strawberries. I hope you'll like them too.

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