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August 11, 2011


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Although I had just one bite, being a gluten free gal - but how could I pass this up?, this pasta was superb and I highly recommend it!


;-) dovresti scriverlo tu un libro di cucina.



Simona Carini

Thanks Christine for the kind words.

Ciao Chiara. Forse un giorno lo faro'. Nel frattempo faccio esperimenti.

Ciao Laura: grazie!

Sarah Yates

Looks delicious! I have a bunch beetroot waiting to be used in something, but i'm curious- did your hands get stained when kneading the dough / shaping the pasta?

I am reading a cookery book at the moment called 'The Geometry of Pasta' http://www.geometryofpasta.co.uk/shop.php - I don't know whether it is available in the States but it explains the history of the different pasta shapes, and has a few recipes too. An interesting read with lots of geeky pasta facts :-)

Thanks for the comment on my blog :-)



Love the gorgeous colour Simona!


The color is outstanding! I love pink so much :D It's always good to find a great cookbook you enjoy cooking with :D

Lori Lynn

Too pretty Simona!
Glad to know the difference between butterfly & bow tie in Italian!


I give your farfalle two thumbs up, just looking at it. Never mind tasting it. ;-)


Beautiful. Just beautiful. Any faint flavor of beets? I can sometimes detect spinach in green pasta, but not tomato or carrot.

Simona Carini

Hi Sarah. I've heard of the book, but have not looked at it closely. Yes, it is available in the States. As for staining, you know, I honestly don't remember. I skinned the bets with bare hands, so I remember having purple hands because of that, which I don't mind, as a couple of washings get them back to normal. I'll probably make this pasta again tomorrow and I'll pay attention, then update you.

Thanks, Val.

Ciao Catalina: it is certainly a cheerful color :)

Thanks, Lori Lynn.

Thank you, Paz.

Detectable, Susan. I am planning to make a "different" kind of green pasta as well. I have actually made one batch, but did not drain the greens properly, so it was wet. Hopefully I'll get some nice photos to share.


I am going to try and make my own next time I make pasta :)


I just brought home a big bunch of beetroots. They look too nice to pass on them but I am never sure about what to make with them. This sounds like a great idea.
As a child farfalle was my favourite variety of pasta as well, and even now they are one of my favourite. I guess it is because they have a special texture on the little thicker pasta in the center.

Simona Carini

I hope you do, Tandy: this is really a fun pasta to make.

Ciao Caffettiera. If you have the greens, you can saute them, maybe with other greens, and/or use them to make a frittata. I roast the beets and then use them to either make a frittata or a salad (with thickened yogurt and chives) or a spread.

Simona Carini

Hi Sarah. I just made the dough again and can tell you that my hands did not get stained. After I washed off the dough residues, there was no purple color on my hands.

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