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September 04, 2011


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grazie della partecipazione alla "nostra" settimana di WHB.


We are heading for comfort food season and my favourite time of year. The produce is overflowing at the markets.


Roasting is like alchemy with peppers. Beautiful recipe, Simona. Thank you for sharing it for WHB.

(P.S. - I just saw a tip (somewhere) that you can insert an ear of corn in the center of a tube/bundt pan to hold it while you scrape off the kernels. Sounded innovative. I'll give it a try next time, but thought to pass it on.)


interessantissima ricetta, ho coltivato decine di peperoncini diversi ma gli Ancho Magnifico mi mancano... grazie della segnalazione!

Simona Carini

Piacere mio, carissime A.B.C.

I agree, Val. This soup is quite comforting for me and I hope I can make it a few more times as fresh corn is still available at the farmers' market.

Ciao Susan. My pleasure. I actually saw that tip, but I am wondering if a less than ideal control of the knife will scratch or otherwise damage the pan. Let me know if you try.

Prego, Graziana. Spero che riuscirai a trovare i semi.


Well, I have never tried roasted corn before. That is something I absolutely must try.
The favorite soup of Sofia (daughter n°4) is made with roasted vegetables...
And Corn is Niki's favorite vegetable (son n°2)....
This soup is ours!
Thank's for sharing to WHB.


Peppers in the UK are the most depressing sight: either glass house bell peppers, identical to plastic toy ones both in appearence and in substance, or very expensive romero peppers, sometimes a bit more flavourful, but not much, and withouth any proper flesh. In Germany I could find great imports at the Turkish supermarkets, and even the home grown ones, at the height of the season, were quite flavourful, although very thin. So this soup is going to wait for my next visit in Italy, I am afraid..

Simona Carini

Ciao Brii. I recommend you try roasting corn: it's such a great ingredient, both for soups and for salads.

Ciao Caffettiera. I guess peppers are not widely used in the UK and they certainly need sun. Italy is definitely a better place to plan cooking with peppers.

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