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August 02, 2011


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Tadka Pasta

Truly inspiring roundup! Thank you so much!


wow! very nice round up with lot fo healthy recipes to look, learn and make it.....nice...

chk out my august event too on berries


What a great round up! Thanks.
Can see that quinoa is quite a popular grain to use.


An amazing round up Simona! Thank you so much! Healing and healthy food indeed!

-Richa @ http://hobbyandmore.blogspot.com/


Awesome roundup! Congratulations to the winner


fantastic presentation..
first time here...love your space..
very interesting posts..
Am your happy follower now..:)
do stop by mine sometime..
Tasty Appetite


Loved the way you present the roundup...a delicious array of healthy foods brimming with goodness of whole grains..



ullallà che giro di ricette, ce ne sono davvero di tutti i tipi, complimenti per il raccolto americano ^ __ ^


Wow what a spread! Makes me less sorry I have missed your deadline for this month.. There are so many ideas that I won't touch white grains for months, probably.


I love the collection of healthy meals.. way to go whole grains!


lovely roundup!

Sweet Artichoke

That is a great, inspiring round-up and you presented it so nicely! Thanks!


What a lovely roundup Simona. A Big Thank you for hosting such a verstile yet healthy theme. :D.

Congratulations to Lata ji and Brii, on winning the cookbooks. Please send the details to Simona so that we can ship them to you as soon as possible.

Thanks all for participating and making it such a huge hit.



An amazing collection of recipes! We should all eat more whole grains but finding delicious-sounding recipes can be a challenge, so thanks!

Simona Carini

Thanks everybody for the kind words. I am glad you enjoyed the roundup.
Thanks Siri!


A lovely round-up, indeed. I'm just sorry that I ended up contributing to the whole grains event. I just ran out of time in July. But, I'm very happy to be hosting August's Healing Foods event!

Simona Carini

I am sure you'll have fun, Amy.


this is an incredible round up, I'm so happy being part of this.
I didn't know you could cook whole grains in so many ways. lot's of recipes to try!
Thank's Simona, Thank's Siri , first time I ever win! :-D

Simona Carini

There is always a first time, Brii :)

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