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July 31, 2011


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di quella nebbia ne so qualcosa.....per la prima volta ho desiderato zuppette come la tua in pieno luglio ^ __ ^


There will be a glut of zucchini coming up soon. Soup is a perfect solution.


One of the nice things of living in colder climates is we can enjoy soups all year round. I'll try this one for sure, exactly what I have been craving lately. Poppy seeds: I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Simona Carini

Ciao Marta. Capita a tutti i visitatori estivi. Credo che le agenzie di viaggio lo fanno apposta a non avvertire le persone per timore che si spaventino prima di partire. In questo modo si spaventano quando arrivano. Gli abitanti della citta' un po' si divertono ad osservare le reazioni dei turisti al repentino cambio di temperatura. Pero' ti assicuro che quando leggi che altrove ci sono 40 gradi, apprezzi molto la nebbia che mantiene l'aria fresca.

Ciao Val. Fresh, good, and cheap, zucchini are the way to go in the summer, certainly. Having a set of recipes helps maintaining variety.

Ciao Caffettiera. I also freeze soup, so I can always put a bowl on the table at short notice. The poppy seeds are from my garden, so I am very proud of them :)

Juli M

What does cavolo mean? Then only other place I have seen the word is on the menu at Olive Garden in reference to the kale in Zuppa Toscana, then you said cavolo broccoli?

Simona Carini

Hi Juli. Cavolo by itself is not enough to indicate a specific vegetable. The zuppa you refer to uses cavolo nero, which is the so-called dinosaur or lacinato kale. We then have cavolo verza (Savory cabbage), cavolo cappuccio (cabbage), cavolo broccolo (broccoli), etc. Hope this helps.


I think this is the soup I've been looking for since I had a bowl of wonderful soup in Ravenna two years ago. I'm trying it with regular onion and leek because I have no red onion and I'm adding toasted wheat berries because the restaurant said there were wheat grains in the soup. Still not sure if they meant faro. Thanks very much for posting this!

Simona Carini

Dear Laurel, thank you so much for your comment. I am glad my recipe was helpful and I hope you'll enjoy your version.

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