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July 25, 2011


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Lori Lynn

Hi Simona - YAY for edible flowers and homemade rye bread.
P. S. Don't eat the foxglove.


Very eloquent post. I love that you labeled Evanellle as the "Good Fairy." How apropos! Wonderful bread recipe. I love to bake so I can't wait to try it. I have never baked with rye flour. Thanks!


Simo è squisito questo pane!!!! Che belle ricette ci proponi sempre :D

Rachel @ The Crispy Cook

I appreciated your comments about Norway. I have never visited this lovely country, but I am heartsick about what its people must be going through.

Glad you enjoyed the book and love your fragrant bread recipe.


Your post has encouraged me to brave the heat and actually do a bread baking in the summer. That rye bread! It sounds delicious.


This was a beautiful post; especially because I, too, really identified with that quote towards the end of the novel. I found all of the characters compelling, but I also liked Evanelle the best. What an interesting trait to have; and how I would like it (sometimes)! I love your bread recipe, and can't wait to try it for myself.


I love it that someone else posted a bread recipe. Thyme is one of my favorite herbs and I bet this is very fragrant and delicious bread.

Simona Carini

Ciao Lori Lynn. Thanks for reminding me to clarify that foxglove is NOT in my garden for culinary uses.

Hi Eliot. I am taking my first steps in rye flour land and this recipe was a great find, so I recommend it.

Ciao Ale e grazie delle parole gentili :)

Ciao Rachel. Norway's beauty speaks to the heart. I did enjoy the book and had fun with the flowered bread.

Ciao Claudia. It's never hot here, so I bake year round. I don't know how I would feel if the temperature was high. However, I love homemade bread, so maybe I would bake at night.

Hi Danielle. I was very intrigued by Evanelle's gift and her attitude towards it. I also thought about what it would be to have such a gift.

Hi Maria. I will soon read about your bread :) I adore thyme and use it in many recipes. It's subtle yet memorable and so pleasant. Sometimes I step out to the garden just to smell it.

Glennis - Can't Believe We Ate

Congratulations on a lovely submission! I love the way this sounds, and will definitely try this! I don't have lemon thyme, but the regular thyme feels like it works well too! As for foxglove...I wish I could keep some growing here. I haven't figured out how to manage that yet...so beautiful! It's like nasturtiums...I have to work to have them!

Alicia (Foodycat)

This is a lovely bread! I hope Norway has some good herbs for soothing sorrow - it is so heartbreaking. You are lucky to have been there.


This sounds like a very interesting book, I'll try tracking it down. I feel strongly about all you have written in this post, especially when you say your garden is a place of magic. I miss having one, and whenever I visit my parents I love to see how theirs is growing and changing. I also love that they planted seeds and even some plants from all the places they've visited me in the last years, and these plants are still growing even though I no longer live there.

I have never seen chocolate sunflowers, they look lovely, as does the recipe.


I love the flowers. Chocolate sunflowers? Wow! Wonderful post about this book.

Deb in Hawaii

Simona, I really love your entry. Your bread is perfect with that mix of herbs and herb blossoms--so unique and I want a piece with your red pepper spread. Great inspiration from the book.

Simona Carini

Hi Glennis. Nasturtiums are a bit of a weed around our house: I work to limit their spread. Foxgloves reseed themselves, and every year I find them in new places. This year they seem particularly tall. I am going to write about my poppies soon.

Thanks, Alicia. It will take time. I hope the country won't change because of this. It made me want to go back ever more strongly.

Ciao Caffettiera. Taking care of plants from the places you've visited together is a way of keeping the good memories of your time together present: it's very sweet. Growing up, we didn't have a garden, so for me having it a new experience. I can imagine if I had to give it up, I would miss it. Fortunately, community gardens are becoming more and more popular here (and in fact, that's what got me started). I wonder if they are also occurring in Europe. Those sunflowers were new to me as well. I planted also another variety, but they are a bit behind: we'll see what they look like when they bloom.

Ciao Paz. A chocolate lover like me had to have those sunflowers. I am really glad I yielded to the temptation.

Hi Deb. I love the red pepper spread and I recommend it: it has a nice flavor from the roasted peppers with just a hint of garlic and the crunch of almonds. I am planning to try adding blossoms to other breads I make to see what happens.

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