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July 03, 2011


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grazie, simona, per la tua partecipazione, ma con questa ricetta, così leggera, non serve autocontrollo, fa solo che bene! :-)
buonissima settimana!


Yes, indeed, broccoli gets no respect, but who cares? It's one of my favorite vegetables any time of year!


Nuts and vinegar are lovely warm-weather flavors for those rugged vegetables we often think of during the cooler months. This dish is a meal in itself. Lovely.


I haven't seen any broccoli as yet du to the late season, but I will be watching.


ottima ricetta...questa la provo sicuro.


Mmmm...broccoli with toasted hazelnuts. What a wonderful combination! I'm eager to try this, also.

Simona Carini

Piacere mio, Cinzia.

Mine too, Frank.

Ciao Susan. I like to pair the broccoli salad to my French neufchatel cheese and some nice bread: the ensemble makes a great dinner.

Ciao Val. We are also having a late season, so I am enjoying when we have.

Grazie, fragoliva.

I hope you'll like it, Duespaghetti.


anche a me piace l'aceto, però l'ho sempre usato per le verdure crude e non ho mai pensato l'uso su quelle cotte, è una piacevole novità la tua vinagrette ^______^ ciauzzzzzz


I'm not a big fan of vinegar, although things are improving. When I was a child I was shocked by the amount of vinegar on vegetables at the school canteen, and I am still recovering. I am a big fan of broccoli though. The ones you cooked look really beautiful.


Lovely way to prepare broccoli, Simona. I love that top photo!

Jann Mumford

I love,love vinegar~this salad is something we could make year round! We eat broccoli at least once a week....can add this to our recipe file!

Simona Carini

Ciao Marta. L'aceto balsamico e' aromatico e quindi secondo me e' adatto a quest'uso. Fammi sapere se ci provi.

Ciao Caffettiera. I think balsamic vinegar may help you on the road to full recovery ;) Its flavor is more rounded. You can use just a little bit and add more as your palate becomes more comfortable with it. I have started to appreciate broccoli more once I had access to freshly picked ones: I think the freshness adds another dimension to their flavor.

Thanks Christine! I'll put them on the menu the next time we have dinner together.

Ciao Jann. Me too! I hope you'll like it.


I love broccoli,but I know a lot of people who dislike it and I just can't seem to understand why, because I could eat pounds of it in one sitting :D I prefer my broccoli soft just like you, slightly salted and that's it, but your addition of vinegar and hazelnuts sounds really good :)


I love broccoli and I love the sound of this salad. It will be on my list of recipes to try. Thanks! ;-)

Simona Carini

Ciao Catalina. Wouldn't it be to sit down at the table together and share a huge bowl of broccoli? Maybe one day we'll do it, here or there.

Ciao Paz. Let me know if you try it :)

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