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July 17, 2011


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Rachel @ The Crispy Cook

This is a glorious gelato recipe. I have never considered roasting strawberries, and now I can't wait to grab some at the market. Thanks for sending this post over to WHB #292.


Oh, that looks so delicious. I love your photos. It's so hot here right now, this ice cream would be perfect.


Slurp, sembra buonissimo!

Sweet Artichoke

A very tempting ice-cream, indeed! The idea of roasting the strawberries with balsamic is very innovative and I bet it must be adding extra flavour to them.


This ice cream sounds very interesting! I've never thought about roasting fruit in order to make ice cream! Unfortunately, our strawberry season is over, but next year you can bet I'm making your ice cream, yum :)


dunque....ultimamente stiamo percorrendo strade parallele in fatto di cucina, ho fatto qualcosa di simile anche se un po' più alla spicciolata, ho appena mangiato un gelato fatto con la composta di rabarbaro congelata e cubetti di yogurt congelati e il tutto frullato con due cucchiai di sciroppo alla ciliegia che mi ha regalato Brii la settimana scorsa, buono e cremoso.
Però questa variante con le fragole arrosto è molto curiosa, anche se qui di fragole ormai se ne vedono poche.....ma immagino si possa fare anche con altra frutta, ciauzzzzzzz


OMG! I'd really love to try this! Looks so delicious!

Simona Carini

Ciao Rachel. I recommend you try it, then you can use the strawberries in various ways, not necessarily to make ice cream. You are welcome: it's always a pleasure :)

Ciao Lisa. I wish I could transport some to you ;)

Ciao Baol. Ti assicuro che e' notevole.

Ciao Vanessa. I go very light with the vinegar, but there is something about it that just makes strawberries shine brighter. The other night I roasted some without sugar, just a drizzle of vinegar and they were excellent.

Ciao Catalina. I hope you'll try this next year. I know, in Europe strawberry season is unfortunately short.

Ciao Marta. Vorrei provare con le pesche: vediamo quello che succede. Lo so, in Italia le fragole hanno una stagione relativamente breve. Qui invece praticamente siamo all'inizio: mangeremo fragole per qualche mese.

Ciao Paz. Trust me, it is delicious. In fact, I am afraid it is addictive ;)


non avevo mai sentito una ricetta così, mi hai lasciato sbalordita


I saw the recipe at Zoe's blog and I was curious about it, but I have no ice cream machine. To me nothing can improve the natural flavour of strawberries, but after seeing two bloggers I trust going crazy over it, well, I can't wait to try. Maybe I can use the roasted strawberries for some kind of strawberry bavarese instead of ice cream, just to see how the flavour is affected..

Simona Carini

Ciao fragoliva. Le fragole vanno molto d'accordo con l'aceto balsamico e infatti la ricetta originale e' uno dei miei gelati che piace di piu'. Mettendo le fragole in forno fa un salto di qualita' incredibile.

Ciao Caffettiera. The day after I made the ice cream of the bottom photo, I roasted the leftover strawberries for a shorter time without sugar and just a drizzling of balsamic vinegar, for 20 minutes. I tried a pairing that did not work, but we ended up eating the strawberries like that and fare la scarpetta with the sweet juice. I loved them. In fact, I'll do this again and hopefully write about it.

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