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July 27, 2011


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I am convinced you make some magic with cheese as well. Black and white suits it perfectly.


Beautiful B&W photo. I look forward to reading about your new cheese-making process.


I have only ever attempted paneer and ricotta cheese but am inspired to create more.


What a shot! The textures are amazing. Thanks, Simona, for sharing this fine image
with BWW Food.


Wow!!!! Bellissima fotografia :D


The texture of the cheese in this photo is simply beautiful, but I suspect that the cheese itself will be even more exquisite. I look forward to your post about it, but in the meanwhile I may just have to try your homemade ricotta recipe.


Can't wait to see what this cheese becomes. Terrific shot.


foto e soggetto ben fatti, lasciamo che il soggetto stagioni e sarà ancora meglio.....scappo devo girare la besciamella.....work in progressssssssss ^ _ ^


avevo visto la foto da Susan, ed eccomi qui!
bellissima davvero. sono curiosissima vedere cosa ne viene fuori!

Simona Carini

Ciao Caffettiera and thanks for the kind words. We'll taste the cheese fairly soon.

Ciao Paz. Keep your fingers crossed that the result is good.

Ciao Val. I encourage you to do it: it's rewarding.

Ciao Susan. It was one of those moments. I put the slab on the board and grabbed the camera. A few seconds later, it was no longer as strong an image.

Ciao Ale: grazie!

Ciao Duespaghetti. I have been making cheese for some time now, but I still feel like every step of the process is a bit of magic. I hope you try.

Thanks, Haalo.

Ciao Marta. Manca ancora una settimana e poi potremo saggiare il risultato. Ho visto il messagggio. Ti rispondo presto :)

Ciao brii. Ho creato un bel po' di aspettativa con questa foto. Spero che la prima fetta non deluda.

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