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July 01, 2011


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Simoooo, ma io il post forse ce l'ho già pronto, proprio l'altro ieri ho usato il grano tenero....e la ricetta è vegetariana, lo devo sistemare un po' e aggiungere il vostro logo, quindi a presto ^_____^ ciauzzzzzzzz


Sounds like a wonderful event!!!

Simona Carini

Mitica Marta: aspetto il post. Grazie!

Ciao Val. I hope it will be nice :)


About a month ago I bought two packs of organic whole grain wheat flour and I have to say I like it a lot (I used it in lemon tart) but I had no idea about the nutrition and its benefits until now :) Simona, thank you for sharing so useful information with us, I always leave your site so much more educated with plenty of new knowledge!


Thank you for the link, I want to learn more about whole grains as well. I am put off by longer cooking time sometimes but it is mainly laziness. I'm looking forward to the roundup, I will surely learn a lot.

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Catalina. I am glad you found the information useful.

Ciao Caffettiera. Longer cooking times need indeed to be taken into account. I have a routine with barley so that I always have some ready to be added to soups or paired with other dishes. And my husband likes cracked oats for breakfast.


Hi just sent you an entry for this wonderful event

happy hosting

pls do check the event at my space; herbs n flowers

Simona Carini

Thank you, Sukanya: I have received your email. The event sounds very interesting. I wish I could find some banana flowers where I am right now: I have never cooked with them.


Hi Simona, sent in my entries..

Simona Carini

Hi Krithi: I got your message. Thanks!

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