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June 12, 2011


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Simona this looks so wonderful, airy and fluffy and I have no doubt that this is surely very delicious. Thank you for the very creative participation.


deliziosa torta salata, mi hai dato un'idea dato che sabato siamo ospiti ad una festa rustica all'aperto potrei portarla da sbocconcellare....che dici, è buona anche temperatura ambiente? buona settimana, ciauzzzzzzzzz


I'd probably call this type of recipe sformato, does it make sense to you? I make a similar one with blanched cardi (cardoon?), when they are in season, one of my Fall favourites. I always go for bechamel but for a summery version your olive oil veloute' looks perfect.


Yum! I like the sound of this and would like to try it some time soon.

Veronica Gantley

Wow Simona, I want to cut a slice for myself.

Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy. I certainly like its texture: the contrast between the soft egg and the firmer vegetables. It was my pleasure to contribute to your event :)

Ciao Marta: a me piace anche a temperatura ambiente (come la frittata). Fammi sapere se la provi.

Ciao Caffettiera. I thought that in a sformato the vegetables are pureed and the eggs are added whole. I realize though that pureeing would not work with cardoon (yes, cardoon is correct): I assume you cut it into small pieces. I wish I could find cardi here (we call them gobbi in Umbria).

Just let me know when you are coming to dinner and I will have it ready for you, dear Paz ;)

Hi Veronica. You're welcome to have as many slices as you want ;)


Looks so delicious!! Buona settimana, Rosina

Simona Carini

Grazie, Rosina.


What a lovely vegetable torte and I love how you can use any summer vegetables that you find at the farmer's market in this recipe.

Alicia (Foodycat)

It looks good! Somewhere between a frittata and a sformato, I think!

Simona Carini

Hi Jeannette. I have never tried to do it, but I can see myself using broccoli or other vegetables in this recipe very soon. The farmers' market is starting to offer a wide variety of vegetables, so it will be fun to come up with various pairings.

Ciao Alicia. The beaten egg whites bring some lightness to the texture and I like the contrast between the small pieces of vegetables and the creamy sauce.

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