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April 03, 2011


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I have never had the chance to try Red Russian Kale, but ordinary curly kale is fairly common in Germany in winter months (cavolo nero is unfortunately rare). I am always overwhelmed by the huge heads sold at the market when the season peaks. Next time I see it I am going to make your gratin: I am particularly intrigued by the texture provided by the hulless barley.
My mother knows how much I love cavolo nero so whenever I go back, she always has some in her freezer to make ribollita, one of my favourite dishes ever.


Simona, ho cavolo che mi esce dalle orecchie! Pensavo di fare kale chips per stasera ne ho cosi' tanto. Il problema e' che sta andando in fiore e quindi da raccogliere al piu' presto. Questo piatto sembra buonissimo e molto salutare.


Ohhhhh...kale. Love it. Every once in while I can find dinosaur, but I've not had Red Russian yet. Maybe I can negotiate a little more space in my mother's summer veggie garden for it. : }

Wonderful recipe, Simona - so healthy and vibrant. Thank you for sharing it with WHB!


I have just rediscovered Kale for my soups and potato dishes. Thus sounds wonderful Simona.


Your kale recipe sounds very delicious and I hope to be able to sample it sometime. :)
That photo up top is splendid!


We have many kinds of greens in India but I'm yet to come across kale, even after all the fancy vegetables we import/have learnt to grow.

Simona Carini

Ciao Caffettiera. I must make ribollita one of these days. Even here kale is sold in fairly big bunches, but it shrinks quite a it once cooked. To give you an idea, the amount needed for the gratin fits into a 4-cup yogurt tub.

Ciao Laura. Capisco bene che cosa vuoi dire ed e' per questo che faccio questo gratin. Kale chips sono buone. Se ne lasci fiorire un paio di piantine, poi raccogli i semi, li fai asciugare un po' e poi gettali di nuovo in terra.

Ciao Susan. Kale is quite common here and at the market usually there are at least 3 varieties. A few plants will give you a nice crop. (I also like the touch of color they provide when they flower.)

Ciao Val. Kale is quite versatile. Kale chips are also nice.

Ciao Christine. I was thinking of trying to substitute barley with some gluten-free grain and see what happens.

That is so interesting Sra. I wonder if maybe there are representatives of the same Brassica oleracea Acephala Group (collard greens belong to it also).


I am not sure I have seen kale in our farmers' market but your gratin sounds delicious. You are a super woman to my eyes, making your own cheese and growing your own vegetables.


Mi piace scoprire da te nuove varietà di verdure :D

Lori Lynn

Love the color, looks delicious and oh so healthy.

Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy and thanks for the kind words. I practice serendipitous gardening, meaning that my little vegetable and herb garden pretty much handles itself: though my thumb is not black, it is not green either. I have to say though that I thoroughly enjoy harvesting from my little patch.

Ciao Lenny. Questa varieta' e' molto nutriente e versatile.

Ciao Lori Lynn: I guess it doesn't get greener than that, does it? It is definitely very healthy and also a pleasure to eat.

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