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March 27, 2011


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sarai anche minimalista, ma questa è davvero una bella torta così come ce la mostri .....mi fa salivare!!! quanto cioccolato e nocciole sono serviti all'incirca?


The cake looks perfect, evenly browned and delicious looking swirls, nicely done!


what a challenge this recipe was! I never saw or ate such a coffee cake. How did the meringue work in it? Does it just melt with the filling, or can you recognize it as a distinct element?

Simona Carini

Ciao Astro. La torta e' venuta davvero carina. Devo dire che mi piacciono le torte fatte non con il lievito chimico: il fatto che devi aspettare, come quando fai il pane, non so. La ricetta originale e' per due torte, che sono tante e quindi io ho diviso tutto a meta'. Per il ripieno ho usato 55 grammi di nocciole tritate grossolanamente e 85 grammi di cioccolato fondente (70%) tagliato grossolanamente col coltello. La ricetta prevede anche un cucchiaio di zucchero e della cannella, ma io li ho omessi entrambi. L'accoppiata cioccolato-nocciole mi ricorda i Baci Perugina e mi piace senza altri sapori.

Thanks, Namratha. I was very pleased with the surface color. It's nice and quite appealing.

Ciao Caffettiera. This is really a nice cake, not too sweet and quite versatile, considering that you can use different ingredients for the filling. The meringue melts into the dough, and it contributes sweetness and softness.


Simona, minimalista o no la torta e' bellissima. La prossima volta la faro' anch'io con le nocciole. Provala con le mele, e' venuta buonissima.



I have seen many of these around the blogosphere today and they each look so tempting.


Hai fatto un gran bel lavoro! Mi e' piaciuta molto questa challenge...a parte il fatto che a noi non piace la meringa e ne ho messa meno di quello che la ricetta chiedeva. E' anche io ho dimezzato le dosi ma visto il successo ottenuto tra i miei vicini mi sa che la prossima volta devo farla con dosi normali.


This cake is new to me and have just found out about it from the Daring Bakers. Yours looks amazing and I am very tempted to try it.


What a gorgeous looking yeasted meringue coffee cake! I love how simple and perfect it looks!


Chocolate and hazelnuts sound pretty good to me! I love the golden color of your coffee cake! Really beautiful coffee cake, it makes me drool :D


Simona, your cake is gorgeous! The saffron really lent a beautiful color, and the interior of chocolate-hazelnut swirl looks to die for. Love that you used a slice of this for french toast. I'm thinking you can do just about anything with this amazing dough recipe, raw or baked! My new 'day old' challah :)


Despite your photo challenges, that is a gorgeous photo. That color is beautiful on your crust.}:)


Simona, it has been a while since I last popped into your blog. Everything is perfection as usual! I loved the DB's Challenge as well. THanks for you comments - I know have the photo's up correctly. BTW I think despite your problems this photo is brilliant showing the texture of the cake up very well!


Oh, wow! I love your coffee cake and your title! ;-)

Simona Carini

Ciao Laura. Grazie del consiglio. La provero' sicuramente perche' davvero questa torta e' venuta molto buona.

Ciao Val. It's that time of the month, you know.

Ciao Sara. Anch'io ero un po' perplessa per la meringa, ma alla fine il risultato e' molto gradevole. Chiedere aiuto per finire una torta puo' essere pericoloso ;)

Ciao Ivy. I think you'd like the dough: it's very nice and then you can play with the filling.

Thanks, Dahlia, for the kind words.

Thanks, Catalina. Chocolate and hazelnuts is a favorite pairing for me. I think it has to do with growing up in Perugia, eating Baci Perugina.


Simona deve essere squisita!!!!!! baciussssssssssss


Mi sono innamorata di quei tagli chelasciano intravedere il goloso ripieno :D

Simona Carini

Ciao Lisa and thanks for the kind words. This challenge was really fun and satisfying. The French toast options is really nice, since we cannot really eat it all in one day. You can actually see the chocolate marbling under the egg layer.

Thanks, Wolf!

Ciao Marcellina and thanks for the kind words. I am glad you got the photo problem solved.

Thanks, Paz!

Ciao Ale. E' una torta davvero buona.

Ciao Milena. Anche a me piacciono molto i tagli. Li avevo fatti per la prima volta a Dicembre, quando abbiamo fatto lo Stollen tedesco. E' una decorazione che fa molto effetto.


YOur wreath looks lovely. Funnily, now you mention it, it is a lot like the stollen. :)

Simona Carini

Thanks, Aparna. Maybe one day I'll make both and invite a bunch of people to do a comparative tasting.

Lori Lynn

I think your photo of coffee cake is perfect. that is the way it should be, with a mug of black coffee around the kitchen table. Not fancy, just homey. Glad you didn't sprinkle a lot of sugar on top...

Simona Carini

Ciao Lori Lynn. I am glad you like the cake. I loved the color of the surface and did not want to hide it under powdered sugar. You are right: not fancy, but nice and homey.

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