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February 27, 2011


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ne mangerei davvero una coppetta accompagnata dai biscotti li accanto, ho giusto voglia di qualcosa di dolce....ma mi dovrò accontentare di quel che passa il convento....ciòè la mia scatola di biscotti secchi....non mi resta che sospirare ;-)


Your version sounds really interesting. I love matcha flavored desserts

Shelley C

Matcha sounds great for this dessert! Great that youfound a recipe that worked better for you, as well. Your panna cotta and florentines look wonderful. Really great job on the challenge.

Simona Carini

Ciao Astro. La panna cotta non e' molto dolce e i biscottini li ho fatti molto meno dolci della ricetta originale. La scatola di biscotti secchi e' un ottimo sostituto nonche' sostegno in caso di necessita'. Mi mancano tanto i biscotti secchi che si trovano da noi.

Matcha give to dessert an interesting flavor and also color. Thanks Ms. Clockwork Lemon ;)

Hi Shelley and thanks for the kind words.

Audax Artifex

WOW I just love your blog I feel so educated at the end of each read and I love the voice file well done. I just adore that whisk (I'm jealous a little) it looks so cute.

Cheers from Audax in Sydney Australia.


Making panacotta with matcha sounds very interesting and the florentines look gorgeous.

Simona Carini

Ciao Audax and thanks for the kind words. I am glad you enjoy the audio file. I got the whisk together with the tea: it is very useful when mixing matcha.

Thanks Ivy. I like using matcha. I'll make ice cream with it again soon and then I will think about something else.


Hmm, matcha panna cotta sounds like an intriguing mix of cultures. Beautiful idea!


Panna cotta is on my bucket lost of things to try one of these days Simona. Glad you had such success with it.


I've never made panna cotta either and this version makes me all the more eager to try. Looks just delicious, paired so beautifully with your biscottini.

Lori Lynn

Hi Simona - we a big fans of panna cotta, love the green tea edition. And your little biscottini look adorable, this is a darling dessert.


I was tempted at trying the matcha panna cotta but I went for butterscotch. I need to try this one next time.


I love the light green tint of your panna cotta, it looks so perfect paired with the biscottini. Great job!


Awesome idea to make a matcha panna cotta and the fiorentini looks delicious..so crispy and golden. I really wish I had thought of using matcha in my panna cotta, but glad you put the idea in my head :)


biscottini? i love it!


Simona Carini

Indeed, Sarah: Italy meets Japan.

Ciao Val. I hope you try and enjoy it too.

Thanks, Claudia. It is an easy dessert. It just needs a bit of advanced planning.

Thanks, Lori Lynn.

Ciao Sara. Your butterscotch idea is nice too.

Thanks Dahlia. The nice thing about working with match is the lovely green color it imparts to the resulting dish.

Thanks for the kind words, Lisa.

Thanks, Paz.


Like the pale green to your panna cotta. Have never used matcha. Biscottini or florentines, they look delicious.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Aparna.

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