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February 20, 2011


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Rachel @ The Crispy Cook

Another inspiring edition of Novel Food! I have several new books to discover and those Vinegar Peanuts look incredible too!


Hooray! I can't wait to read everyone's book talks and related recipes!

sandi @the whistlestop cafe

Another great edition of Novel Food~ Thank you for hosting for us!


I am intrigued by all of the dishes Simona and by the book.Since I live in British Columbia it is that much more fascinating.


A great round-up of delicious recipes with stories behind them.


This is possibly going to be my favourite event. Nothing like books hits me deeply. I read a lot of sad books lately and they did not inspire me to cook... But I have three months to find something funnier :)

Simona Carini

Ciao Rachel. I am glad you found the roundup inspiring.

Hi Ruhama. It's exciting, isn't it?

Hi Sandi and thanks for the kind words. It's a great pleasure to host this event.

Hi Val. I am glad you liked the selection of books and dishes.

Thanks, Ivy.

Ciao Caffettiera. I am glad you like the event. Indeed, you can start planning now to join edition 13th. I hope you'll find an inspiring literary work.


Thanks for, Simona, for the wonderful line-up of words and tasty treats. It's a fun way to peruse special choices in literature and recipes when you are overwhelmed with what's out there.


wonderful roundup as usual. i'm off to visit lisa's site.

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Susan.

Thanks, Paz.

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