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February 10, 2011


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Your cheese looks beautifully delicious. The book sounds very interesting. I always loved fairy tales. A modern-day fairy tale sounds extra special. ;-)


You do have "pathos" for everything you make Simona and the cheese looks amazing. Where do you find time to make cheese, cook, blog, etc., and read novels?


The book sounds so lovely! And your cheese looks perfect. I have bought Paul a heart-shaped cheese for Valentine's Day again this year!


Your cheese is impressive, and "Blessed Are The Cheesemakers" sounds like a delightful story. :)

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz and thanks for the kind words. The book makes a truly pleasant read.

Ciao Ivy. I guess all those things, plus my day job and a few others make for long days. Mostly they are fun, though, which gives me the energy to keep going. I read for at least half an hour every evening, no matter how late it is: otherwise I can't sleep.

Ciao Alicia. I remember your heart-shaped cheese from last year! I hope you'll give this cheese a try: it's quite satisfying.

Thanks, Adele. The story is indeed delightful.


I just found out your blog, how could I miss it for so long?!? I am truly impressed, my home-made cheese experiments have put me off from trying any further. The novel sounds exactly like the kind of novel I'd like to read now, thanks for the suggestion.

Simona Carini

Ciao and welcome to briciole, Caffettiera. I am glad you enjoyed your visit. What happened with your cheese-making experiments? I have had a couple of mishaps, too, but after the initial upset, I focused on the good results. The novel is a fun read: I hope you'll enjoy it.


A lovely post on your foray into learning to make cheese and a beautiful review of "Blessed are the Cheesemakers".

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