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January 21, 2011


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This is a wonderful comfort dish for us Greeks as we make it in a similar way and we eat it at least once a week. I have not seen these colourful ones though and look forward to see what you will prepare.


I love what a pretty dish this is and it sounds hearty and delicious too. Thank you for sending it to Souper Sundays--it is always a pleasure to have you join in. ;-)


What fun, watching the Aristocats in Italian! That was great. And your veggie cassoulet sounds so comforting and nutritious.


Scusa tantissimo l’effetto “spam”, ma abbiamo pochissimo tempo per avvisare tutti! Dopo il successo della precedente contro l’omofobia, decolla una nuova iniziativa food-bloggers contro l’atteggiamento indegno del Governo nei confronti delle donne.
Trovi tutte le info qui e qui. Vieni a leggere, grazie! Un saluto Kemi

Johanna GGG

lovely soup - I love thick soups full of beans of any sort and your description of these lentils is wonderfully lyrical and makes them full of character in so many ways

I always have corn about so must try throwing some corn cobs in my stock too

Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy. This is indeed comfort food that is also very good for you.

Thanks, Deb. It is always a pleasure to participate.

Ciao Lisa. I have always had a soft spot for that Disney movie. Also 101 Dalmatians: I will find a way to feature that in a future post.

Grazie dell'annuncio, Kemi.

Ciao Johanna and thanks for your words. I freeze the cobs if I don't make stock right away.


Your recipe looks so much easier and tastier than the adaptation of that vegetarian cassoulet I made yesterday. I wasn't too pleased with my results, but I know I would like your soup.

And the video is adorable - couldn't understand much of a word of it, so I'm going to go check out the English version. I have a soft spot for Disney, too, but I don't think I ever saw "The Aristocats." How could that be? ; )

Simona Carini

Ciao Susan. I am sorry you were not happy with the result you obtained. I hope you'll give the recipe another chance. When it's cold and snowy outside, there is nothing better than watch a nice Disney movie like the Aristocats. My husband hasn't seen it either, so I'll be watching the original soon.

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