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January 10, 2011


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Santo cielo, lupi, bisonti, orsi........ dovrei premunirmi di qualche mutandina in più se un giorno ci andassi ;-)) e voi due sempre da soli? Dalle tue foto comunque il parco è molto affascinante! Ricordo bene?......è il parco di orso Yoghi e Bubu? Ciauzzzzzzz




I remember descending down Uncle Tom's trail, and walking the very well marked trails of Yellowstone National Park. It really is one of the natural wonders of the world. I saw grizzly bear, moose and the famous buffalo.


i'd love to visit this wonderful place, one day soon. i want to see the bisons and other animals there. thanks for sharing your inspiring photos with us.


Simona Carini

Ciao Astro. L'importante e' essere cauti. Il parco e' magnifico e vale davvero la pena di visitarlo. Yoghi e Bubu abitano a Jellystone, che praticamente e' Yellowstone.

Esattamente, cara Do: la realta' supera l'immaginazione e le mie foto sono solo indicative.

Ciao Val. It's a really nice trail. I am so disappointed I missed seeing moose. Next time, I hope.

Ciao Paz. You are welcome. It is indeed a wonderful place and the animals are just amazing.


Spectacular and breathtaking. It must be an amazing experience.

bake in paris

Happy new year!

This is a wonderful post that I enjoy reading and seeing so much due to my passion for National Parks... but the way you tell the story makes me feel as if I am actually there. Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience!

Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy. It is really a special place and it's not easy to describe in words.

Happy New Year to you, Kris, and thanks for the kind words. I am also passionate about our National Parks (and also California State Parks) and I like to share the emotions that visiting them elicits.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Gorgeous! We love it there!
Maybe the name of your untitled is the ojo caliente (hot eyeball)??

Simona Carini

Thank you so much for your comment, Lori Lynn: it prompted me to look for a clue in the Old Faithful tour and there I found the missing piece of information, I believe.

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