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January 14, 2011


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Ruth H.

This looks and sounds amazing. I, too, prefer to cook my own dried beans, though I have not abandoned canned yet... maybe soon? I love the three different versions you made. And serving with polenta sounds fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us!!


What an absolutely gorgeous veggie cassoulet. Love the photo of the ocean and sky to replace the leek confit - very clever because you end up staring at the beauty and forgetting how hungry you are (well..that's me) LOL Thanks for taking part in our challenge!

Miss Nirvana

I love how your carrots pop in your photos of the cassoulet. Great job on this challenge.


devo dire che da quando ho il blog ho assunto una forma di consapevolezza maggiore verso i prodotti, non facevo gran uso di cibi pronti se non proprio per i fagioli in scatola, ma ora nemmeno quelli, preferisco la versione home made sia per una questione di salutare impiego sia per la possibilità di spaziare nella scelta, come hai detto tu.
i porri confit mi incuriosiscono...e pure l'uso della polenta....quindi aspetto risultati in merito ^______^
In quanto a grigiore del cielo ce la battiamo bene anche qui, nonostante ci dessero previsioni di sole.....speriamo, la giornata è appena iniziata, baciuzzzzzzzzzz


Have never tried cassoulet before and maybe this would be one of the dishes I must try during 2011 but I will definitely make it vegetarian as I don't like mixing meat with dried legumes.


Wonderful job! Your vegetarian cassoulet is beautiful!


D'accordissimo che una volta che usi i fagioli secchi rinunci per sempre alle scatole.

"fagioli dall'occhio"? Io ho sempre detto "fagioli all'occhio". Sara' una differenza regionale? (io sarei veneta di adozione)

Se ami i fagioli dall'/all'occhio :-) ti consiglio i bollos, piccole polpette fritte che sono appunto a base di questi legumi. Io li mangiavo a Key West, dove mio padre e' nato e cresciuto e dove ho vissuto qualche anno da piccola. La ricetta la trovi qua: http://www.conchs.com/recipes/bollos.html.. A Key West preparano anche un piatto a base di questi fagioli che chiamano Hoppin' John.

Simona Carini

Hi Ruth and thanks for your kind words. Canned beans are certainly useful when time is scarce, so they still have a place in the emergency supply section of the pantry.

Thanks, Lisa, for your kind words. This is a challenge I won't forget.

Thanks, Miss Nirvana. I love carrots and I guess it shows.

Ciao Astro. La mia polenta e' un "work in progress" nel senso che non la faccio mai due volte di seguito uguale. Appena riesco a fare delle foto decenti, scrivero' i dettagli. Pare che abbiamo bisogno di un po' di danza del sole, eh?

Ciao Ivy. The recipe I used is truly excellent and also versatile: I totally recommend it.

Thanks, Jenni!

Simona Carini

Ciao Cinzia. Grazie dell'osservazione. Se fai una ricerca su google, trovi diverse accezioni. Dall'occhio e' quella che da' il dizionario Garzanti. E' possibile che le varianti siano regionali. Questo tipo di fagioli li ho conosciuti qui. Conosco Hoppin' John perche' e' tradizione prepararlo per Capodanno. Nel riepilodo dell'evento sui legumi ce ne saranno un paio, dato il periodo. Grazie della ricetta sui bollos: non ne avevo mai sentito parlare.


Hmmm... dry beans over canned? Okay... I'll try. ;-)


I don't use canned beans too! It's so much easier and tastier to use dried beans. I love your vegetarian cassoulet. Great job!

Simona Carini

I recommend you do, Paz. One of the reasons I started was that we have a local bean grower and I couldn't resist his offer of several varieties of dry beans.

Thanks, Chef D. Once it becomes part of a routine, it is quite easy, I agree. This recipe is really nice and in fact I have already made another version, about which I hope to write soon.


Cooking your own beans is really easy, you are so right. It just takes a bit of planning.
I am intrigued by the vegetarian cassoulet, especially knowing that you made it three times:) The regular cassoulet was delicious, and the family loved it, but it took a lot of organizing and planning. Plus, it was not the right dish for the New Year resolution list:)
Thanks for reminding me of tutte le parole che ho dimenticato:)

Simona Carini

Ciao Lana. I recommend you try the recipe: it's excellent and does not take much time to prepare, once you have the beans. I like legumes with lots of vegetables and this dish matches my taste perfectly. I actually made it a fourth time and will soon describe what I did differently for it.


I've been thinking of a vegetarian cassoulet for a while. Thanks for pointing up a reliable recipe ( I missed your initial post on it.) I hope to make it for my second MLLA dish for you this month. I'm so excited about it, that I might go out today in the single-digit deep freeze for a few of the ingredients.

This really looks lovely, Simona. Very warming and special.

Simona Carini

Ciao Susan. I hope you will be able to adapt the recipe to your taste. I also hope that this winter will soon turn into spring for you: you've had a fair amount of snow and cold for one season.

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