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December 23, 2010


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santo cielo che meraviglie, sembrano prodotti in pasticceria.......ne assaggerei volentieri una fettuzza, ispirano molto la mia acquolina anche se in questo periodo mi succede più il contrario, i tuoi stollen invitano parecchio e avrai fatto un strepitosa figura con i suoceri, bravaaaaaa!
ti abbraccio forte e ti faccio tanti auguri di un sereno natale, bacio!


Your stollen looks beautiful Simona. I was planning to make one this year but I've made enough desserts for this month, so I'll leave it for next year.
My best wishes for Happy Holidays and may the new year fulfill all your dreams.


Those are so pretty! I'm so impressed by your baking ability. And the description -- I can almost taste that bread. I, too, love panettone, by the way. But I don't think I'll ever attempt to make one!

Merry Christmas, Simona, and I wish you all good things in the coming year.


Beautiful stollen! I also liked the stollen made into smaller loaves (and I also made challah!). Happy holidays!


Being a fan of Stollen and Xmas, that round of Daring Bakers is perfect for me.
You chose a great way to present it.
Merry Xmas

Jeremy Parzen

Where is stollen from, Simona?

Looks delicious wherever it's from! :-)

Buon natale... j


That is a beautiful Stollen, Simona. Your photos make it look positively mouth watering.

Simona Carini

Ciao Astro. Devo ammettere di aver fatto una bella figura e di aver fatto contenti tutti. Senza il marzapane non e' dolcissimo, piu' o meno come il panettone. Un grosso abbraccio. Spero che il tempo brutto che c'e' in Italia non rovini le feste.

Thanks, Ivy. I was indeed, very pleased with the results. I hope you and your family have a peaceful and joyful time during the Holidays.

Ciao Lisa and thanks. The dough was actually very well behaved (and it smells really good too). Happy Holidays to you!

Ciao Laura. Wow! It looks like we were on the same wavelength. The smaller size was definitely better, and also easier to handle.

Simona Carini

Grazie, Rossella. I am glad you liked what I did. I am now also a fan of Stollen.

Ciao Jeremy. Stollen is a German tradition.

Thanks, Christine. I think that Stollen is photogenic.


Your stollens are beautiful. I like that you made 2 instead of just one. I think mine would have turned out better if I had done that.


Merry Christmas/Buon Natale Simona!

Toasted stollen spread with soft brie is one of my Christmas treats. This year I decided to make my own... and all the ingredients are still in the pantry! But I will do it before I go back to work!


Tanti auguri!!!


Beautiful! I wondered if the two smaller wreaths would work better - but, of course, I waited until far too late in the month to even make my first one! :)


Your Stollen looks beautiful! I made one small wreath and the size was just perfect. Peter Reinhart's Challah is also one of my favorite recipes. Sounds like your family was lucky enough to enjoy lots of home-baked treats! Happy Holidays!

Simona Carini

Hi Leslie. Maybe you'll make another Stollen before the Holidays are over... ;)

Ciao Alicia. That sounds great. I have not yet tried to make brie at home: I am a bit intimidated. I hope you make your Stollen. Yesterday I actually made yet another one, using a slightly different recipe. I like that it keeps for a while. Buon Anno!

Ciao Baol!

Hi Michelle. By making two wreath it was easier to handle the dough and I think the yeast worked better. The Holidays are not over so you could make another one...

Hi Jeanne. I think that edible gifts are the way to go: people enjoy them and they appreciate the love that went into making them. Happy Holidays to you!


Your stollen are so beautiful!!!
I'm sure it was an amazing gift!
Happy Holidays!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Manoela. I am quite happy with the way they turned out. Happy Holidays to you too!


What a beautiful stollen! I imagine it was a thrill to the lucky recipients.


Your stollen turned out wonderful! I too enjoyed this challenge :)

Simona Carini

Thanks Leslie. They were very appreciative.

Thanks Jimena. It was indeed a fun challenge.

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