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December 03, 2010


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Volevo sempre farli, ma ero convinta che diventassero grigi, bellissimi!


Le patate viola le ho trovate una volta sola e le ho fatte in insalata, ma vorrei tanto provare gli gnocchi. A me il sapore di queste patate ha ricordato un po' quello delle castagne.

Lemon Tart

Hee hee. I know these taste lovely, but I can't help by think of the little piece of playdough in a Cranium game. Nice idea though. I make gnocchi a lot, but never with these potatoes, which is such a fun idea. Happy cooking!

Rachel @ The Crispy Cook

I will neither quote Dante or sing arias....that was a very funny line, Simona. Brava on these gorgeous purple gnocchi for Cook the Books!


Cooking in colours is a concept I would like to follow, afterall we eat with our eyes first.


Laura- io le patate viola le ho provate (si trovano in un piccolo sacco di varieta' diverse da Trader Joe's) ma a dire il vero, sono infatti diventate grigiastre. Come hai fatto, Simona? Sara' il metodo/tempi di cottura? Fra l'altro, non sono riuscita a percepire una reale differenza nel sapore.
Non ho mai fatto gli gnocchi in casa proprio per il fatto che bisogna spellare le patate quando sono ancora calde e non voglio bruciarmi i ditini. Suggerimenti?



I just found your blog through Proud Italian Cook and am enchanted. The recipes are wonderful, but the pronunciation you offer at the end is stupenda! brava.

Glennis - Can't Believe We Ate

Simone! Thank you so much! I feel like I understand gnocchi so much better now! I love that you made them from purple potatoes... How fun and playful! I have to agree, the sage butter might not be visually appealing, but what a flavor combination! I'm saving your gnocchi recipe...and it's on my "to make" list!!


wouuuuuuuu ma che meraviglia, troppo belli ^_________^ e perfetti con burro e salvia, li preferisco al sugo di pomodoro con cui non ho un gran feeling.....un dubbio, le patate viola si riconoscono anche con la buccia o bisogna chiedere al fruttivendolo quali sono ? si sa mai che abbia una botta di c....... e riesca a trovarle anch'io ;-)) ciauzzzzzzzz


I read Heat some years ago. I don't remember whether or not I actually made it to the end of the book. I do remember liking it, for the most part, though. That quote from Batali -- oy.

Those purple gnocchi are really something! How fun, and I'll bet they were delicious.

A million years ago some friends and I tried to make potato gnocchi; ours disintegrated in the water, so we must not have used enough flour.

Simona Carini

Ciao Laura. Ho usato lo stesso tipo di patate anche per fare la zuppa con i porri e mi e' venuta di un bel colore psichedelico.

Ciao Alex. Interessante il rimando alle castagne: me ne ricordero' la prossima volta che le preparo.

I must admit that I am not familiar with the Cranium game. Now you got me curious...

Ciao Rachel. Having gone to school in Italy, I studied Dante as a teenager, which explains my conflicting relation with the great poet.

Ciao Val. I am particularly attracted by purple vegetables. Besides being beautiful to look at, they are good for our health.

Simona Carini

Ciao Cinzia. Forse le patate che ho usato per gli gnocchi sono di una qualita' diversa. Ho comprato un paio di volte il sacchetto che dici tu, ma le patate le ho fatte arrosto. Certamente vuoi evitare di scottarti nel manipolare la patate. A volte mi capita che comincio a spellare una patata e quando sono a meta' le mie dita cominciano a protestare. Allora la lascio freddare per qualche minuto e poi completo l'opera.

Thanks, Linda, for the kind words!

You are more than welcome, Glennis!

Ciao Astro. Le patate viola che conosco hanno sia la buccia che la polpa di tale colore, pero' di varieta' di patate ce ne sono tante e quindi per sicurezza io chiederei al fruttivendolo.

Ciao Lisa. If there is not enough flour, the gnocchi don't hold during the cooking. Making colorful gnocchi is quite fun. Now I will work on the pink version.


Beh, devo proprio provarli sti gnocchi. Essendo veronese, gli gnocchi sono il mio piatto forte ma non ho mai fatto gli ghocchi di patate viola! Mi ispirano!


Your mild obsession was very productive. I have gnocchi on my list of cooking goals. Thanks for the tutorial. Do purple potatoes taste like the normal ones? They look like the color of our purple sweet potatoes.


Interessantissimo! Me voglio testare! Grazie.


Simona, I love how the cheese grater makes the gnocchi look like little pinecones. I've never seen that before, and I'm switching! The purple ones are beautiful.

sweet Artichoke

This is a great recipe! Thanks for the tip of using the cheese grater! they looks so professional!! And these purple potatoes are so photogenic!!

Simona Carini

Ciao Sara. Mia madre faceva gli gnocchi di patate abbastanza spesso e anche io, una volta che ho imparato, li ho fatti di frequente. Farli colorati e' stata una tentazione troppo forte.

Ciao Claudia. From tasting the gnocchi, you can tell that they are not made with russet potatoes, which are the kind I used before. This page, referenced in my post, has a good description of them. I am not sure I have ever seen purple sweet potatoes.

Ciao Leandra. I hope you try them.

Ciao Camille. That's the shape of gnocchi I am familiar with. The gnocchi board certainly makes them of a lovely shape.

Thanks, Sweet Artichoke. Did you eat any gnocchi when you were in Rome. If my memory serves me well, they are usually served on Thursdays. Also, in Rome they also make another type of gnocchi, using semolina flour. I will tackle them one of these days.


Fantastic, Simona! Not all blue potatoes will hold their color when cooked. Very fine photos, too. You may not want to sing an aria, but I do hear the "Triumphant March." ; }

(Need to catch-up w/ you. I fell off the planet for a bit.)


Ohhh, I just love the shade of purple of the cooked gnocchi. Hopefully someone is growing Purple Majesty here in Australia. I've used Purple congo for gnocchi but they end up quite an unreal shade of purple.


I am bad in that I am just getting around to everyones' CTB posts now. ;-) I love your purple gnocchi--so pretty. I am a huge fan of a butter and sage sauce--so delicious! Great job!

Simona Carini

Ciao Susan. Thanks for the info. I am glad you like the photos. It was actually tricky to capture the purple of the gnocchi. The Triumphant March was a great moment at the opera: the costumes were gorgeous and the "elephant" was a sight to behold.

Hi Haalo. I didn't think to check whether you had made purple gnocchi before the pink ones. It's very interesting to see how the color of the gnocchi differs in the two cases. I really want to make the pink ones and then compare notes (though I know that the pink potatoes I can get are not the Viking kind).

Hi Deb. I am glad you like the color of the gnocchi and my choice of dressing.

Merisi, Vienna

What a wonderful way to create lavender-colored gnocchi!

Regarding tomato coloring regular potato gnocchi pink:
Do you have Ada Boni's "Il tesoro della cucina"?
There is a special section in the back with color pictures that includes a recipe for a salsa di pomodori which is extraordinary in its simplicity, and it does not discolor the gnocchi as much (tavola # 34).

Simona Carini

Ciao Merisi. I confess I don't have Ada Boni's book. Thanks for the pointer.

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