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November 12, 2010


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Che bella la foto di tuo marito e la pioggia, dev'essere stato freddissimo a giudicare dalle sue spalle.

Mi hai dato un'idea. Abbiamo gente a cena e ho due zucche da cucinare, o faccio gli gnocchi di zucca o una bella zuppa.



I've never thought of mixing pears and pumpkin in a soup but the idea is sooo enticing. Grazie per il suggerimento. Mi sembra un ottimo modo per "spice up" la mia zuppa preferita!


Ah, yes, the hoarding of the squash - I know it well. They are just too, too pretty to resist, and so much better for you than say, jelly beans. ; )

Simona, your soup looks marvelous. What a great idea to use Asian pear, and the toasted walnuts and cheese crumbles are ideal toppings.

Thank you for contributing your fine recipe to WHB.

Account Deleted

This looks so good and comforting. I've had butternut squash and apple soup, which I love. I have a bit of a chill today, and I think this is the thing to warm me up.

Simona Carini

Ciao Laura. Sai che non ho mai provato a fare gli gnocchi di zucca? Devo proprio farlo e con la riserva di zucche che mi sto costruendo non ho scuse.

Ciao Sara. Io faccio spesso la zuppa di zucca e ho trovato che si combina bene non solo con la frutta, ma anche con, per esempio, i porri.

Hi Susan. I know you understand my weakness ;) I find pumpkin and winter squash so versatile, especially in the soup department. You are welcome!

Hi Kathy. This soup is very comforting, perfect for evenings when the temperature drops.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Now doesn't that look perfectly delicious? Love the pumpkin pic!

Merisi, Vienna

Love the mysterious aura of the pumpkin patch in the mist!

Thank you for teaching me to add pear to my next batch, !
I almost always end up cooking "pumpkin" soup with butternut or Hokkaido (which the French call potimarron).
Ever since I spoiled a whole batch of soup with bitter sage leaves, I only top the bowls of soup with fried leaves when serving.
A nice touch here in Vienna is the Styrian pumpkin seed oil, a thin swirl is all it takes to add more earthy flavor.


Who thought we could combine pears with pumpkin...Its great that you come up with these ideas

Simona Carini

Thanks, Lori Lynn. I am happy with the result. I am sure I will make this soup again during our rainy season.

Ciao Merisi. Pumpkin seed oil sounds good. I know, it is tempting to use butternut squash: it's so good, but pumpkin has its own sweet personality. I would like to use it in other savory dishes as well.

Thanks, Sharon.

Merisi, Vienna

I made a roasted butternut squash (unpeeled) and added one chopped quince, one chopped onion a crumbled dried sage leaf and a few flecks of dried thyme (I use parchment paper to line the baking sheet, no oil at all). I used two herb bouillon cubes in about 4 cups of water, added the roasted vegetable and blended everything with my immersion blender. I added the juice of 3 small clementines (there is a special variety available here, called Rudolfinen, no seeds, they taste like good quality American Minneola tangelo (a cross between a grapefruit and a tangerine, with a delicate citrus flavor) and topped the bowls of soup with a small dollop of creme fraiche. It was the most delicate soup ever, the squash, quince and citrus flavor components all there, none overwhelming the other.

I am so thrilled you went to Teaism! What did you eat? Will you write about it?
There are times when I am quite homesick. Thanksgiving is one of them.
I guess that is what we "travelers" experience periodically.

Merisi, Vienna

Sorry, I meant to write "butternut squash soup" - one should not comment so late at night! ;-)

Simona Carini

Wow, Merisi, your soups sounds great. I should experiment with citrus and butternut squash. We went to the one on R Street, which was closest to our hotel. My husband loved their "do not panic" signs. I only had tea, a lovely Darjeeling, since I was not hungry. My husband had French toast. We went there after visiting the Dupont Street farmers' market. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos there or at Teism, then the following days I was at a conference all day. I may write a bit about the trip, since we had dinner out three times and I also had a nice lunch. I can imagine how Thanksgiving may be one of those times when one is homesick.

Cook Your Life

Hi, this is my first time visiting your blog & I am inspired! Not only have I leaner some wonderful recipes, but your information on foodie words and Italian wording/history is second to none.
I am a big fan of squash of all sorts, and recently featured a Pumpkin Soup with Smoked Duck on my site, however I have never considered adding pears! What a superb combination.
I look forward to reading more of your culinary journey.

Simona Carini

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, Rachel, and for the kind words. Your pumpkin soup with smoked duck sounds really good.

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