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November 14, 2010


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Jeremy Parzen

My goodness, Simona, the photo of the luna piena is amazing! Is that far from where you live?


un soufflè splendido come la luna piena......ma vorresti dirmi che da casa tua hai questa vista ??? ciauzzzzzzz


Souffles have always been a challenge for me but iy never stops me from experimenting. Love the favours here.


Ciao Simona!

Simona Carini

Ciao Jeremy. I am glad you like the photo. As you know, the Pacific ocean can be very calm, and it can also be very stormy. That morning, I was lucky and was able to capture the moon reflection on the surface.

Ciao Astro. Non sempre l'oceano e' cosi' calmo, ma quando succede, e' qualcosa di speciale. Deduco che quando siete stati in California non avete avuto occasione di vedere il lato tranquillo dell'oceano.

Ciao Val. They are a challenge, but they offer a nice reward.

Ciao Baol!

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Hi Simona! I bet it tasted awesome.
Love the luna piena (and learning a new word that I will remember!)


Gorgeous souffle! It sounds and looks delicious & I love that you used homemade cheese.

That's a beautiful photo of the moon over the Pacific. :)


Oh! A savory soufflé! I love it! This looks really good. And I love that moon photo. I love photos of the moon.



Simoooo, ho trovato la bieta rossa!!!!! ^_________^ quasi quasi mi dispiaceva cuocerla ;-))

Merisi, Vienna

Your soufflé looks so good, I'd love to steal it from your blog!
Contrary to your opinion, I find that the image is a very good one,
transporting the idea of a perfectly baked soufflé beautifully. ;-)

The variety of cheeses you are producing is amazing. If I lived near you, I'd beg you to invite me for a tasting!


Wow this is called souffle with a difference...It does look good as well as opposed to your thoughts


Beautiful! Well done. It is so hard to beat a lovely light fluffy cheesey souffle.


Non sai quanto mi paicerebbe provarci, ma ho una paura terribile di fallire e così rimando .....
Il tuo è perfetto :D

Simona Carini

Ciao Lori Lynn. It was, indeed, very good, so I will certainly make it again.

Thanks, Suz.

Ciao Paz. I am glad you like the photo. It was one of those special moments, all the more appreciated because unexpected.

Ciao Astro. E ne hai fatto un ottimo uso.

Ciao Merisi and thanks for the kind words. You are welcome to visit any time. What cheese will be available for tasting then will be a surprise. I am still exploring the world of cheese, so I am not planning in advance.

Thanks, Sharon.

Ciao Foddycat. I agree, it is not easy. However, when the outcome is nice, one forgets the attending anxiety.

Cara Lenny, sono sicura che ti riuscirebbe benissimo. Immagino che con la tua creativita' inventeresti un connubio di sapori interessante e magari ne faresti dei mini-souffle.


I love spinach - esp. souffles. I may even try this one. I'm not overly particular about appearances (and my souffle record is sad). It's the taste that counts and this sounds perfect!

Simona Carini

I agree with you, Katie: it's the taste that counts (which made me think of an Italian saying about looks that I will share on the blog soon).

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