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October 03, 2010


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I'm not a sweet person at all. Gimme my spice!! I LOVE this dish, even though it probably isn't as spicy as how I like my peppers. I'm fascinated by the use of raisins and capers in there!


Your involtini looks great - like the twist of the cheese on top! Your hubby sounds a lot like mine - he's happy with whatever he gets as long as it's edible. Hehe.


What a wonderful addition to weekend herb blogging. ;-)

Simona Carini

Hi Sophia. It would be quite interesting to see how the filling would work in a spicier wrapper. The raisin and caper combination was inspired by caponata di melanzane.

Thanks, Marisa. My husband is my trusted taster. In this case, he gave thumbs up.

Thanks, Paz.


Sounds lovely...a last blast of summer, sigh...

Simona Carini

Thanks Frank. I know, there is not much time left to enjoy peppers, tomatoes and other summer produce. So, I say, "carpe diem"

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