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September 07, 2010


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I am just in awe of your cheese making abilities! That looks incredible!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Katie.


So cool this blog idea!!! :) :) :)
Greets from Italian food bloggers !

Simona Carini

Thanks, Irene!


ma dimmi un po' stai pensando di cambiare mestiere?? ;-)) non so quale sia il tuo attualmente, ma questa seconda attività non ti viene niente male!! baciuzzzzzz

Simona Carini

Ciao Astro. No, non sto meditando in tale senso. Vorrei pero' fare un corso per imparare dai professionisti. Magari il prossimo anno. Buon weekend!


I am totally in awe! This cheese is amazing! It looks absolutely perfect.


I can't believe you make this delicious cheese. I mean I know you have, but it looks so difficult! You are amazing!I would love to take a course on how to make cheese!!

Lori Lynn

Wow! Simona what a masterpiece.
And with the figs, sounds heavenly!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Alicia. It was a great satisfaction. I hope you'll try to make it as part of your cheese-making adventures.

Ciao Jann. After I make it a second time, I will let you know if I really got the process down. I have actually never taken a class, so I am not a good source of information on the topic. I started with information I found on the web and then on books. The page Making Cheese at Home on my blog has a list of resources.

Thanks, Lori Lynn. The pairing with figs was indeed a nice idea.


Wow, I hadn't looked at your blog in such a long time. This is really amazing! Congratulations, Simona. Really impressed.

Simona Carini

Grazie, Marta. I really like this cheese and I am planning to make it again soon.


complimenti, per ottenere questi risultati occorre una buona dose di passione,
e si ottengono

Simona Carini

Grazie, Andrea.

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