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August 24, 2010


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You're right -- "There is no such thing as having too many taglieri in the kitchen (cucina)." I would love my own custom-built one, like the one in the photo. Beautiful!


bellini valli

What would I do without my wooden cutting board to save my knives:D


I would love this in my kitchen, so handy. I so agree one of the most useful kitchen tools and you can never have enough. I have a few that I have had for years and could never part with.


i do agree with you on this...great site you have here...


Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. They are indeed convenient and the kitchen look better, since they are stored in their place.

Exactly, Val.

Thanks, Grace.

Thanks, Sameena.

Peter Ferrari

Thank you for your article, and your site also

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Peter. I am glad you enjoyed it.

Kitchen cabinets

I love this kind of kitchen and all this kitchen items. Eggplant you can see his picture is called Listada de Gandia, a recent find in our farmers market. I love this kind of kitchen tools.

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