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August 27, 2010


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Laura T.

This looks lovely. A subtle spin that I turn to is to use sun dried tomatoes. They have a great, robust flavor and save on prep/cooking time since they're ready to use out of the container.

bellini valli

This sounds delicioso!!!


Yum, yum, yum!



Lovely! What a fabulous crostini topping.


What a lovely topper for bread. The food you prepare and present here is very interesting. I'll be back again to see what you've been cooking. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

dining room table

I don't really understand this crema (da spalmare) di fagioli cipolle e pomodori ciliegia words but the only thing I know that it looks so yummy and I want to try those dishes.


I have so many green beans and cherry tomatoes.... I wonder how that would work! Best way to find out is to try. Thanks for the roasting tip - I don't like to use salt either.

Simona Carini

Hi Laura. That sounds like a good idea, also useful when it's not tomato season.

Thanks, Val.

Ciao Paz! ;)

Hi Foodycat. It's addictive, but it's so healthy that I don't mind.

Thanks, Mary, for the kind words.

Kind of wordy, I admit. It's just that in Italian we don't have a single word that conveys the concept of spread.

I think so, Katie. I wish I had all the cherry tomatoes you have. I am glad you are a kindred spirit when it comes to add salt to tomatoes.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

It sounds VERY good.
Looking forward to the round-up.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Lori Lynn!

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