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July 27, 2010


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Healthy Foods Blog

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what is cream of tartar? ti è riuscito uno splendido zuccotto, ma hai fatto tu anche i gelati?? @__________@ invidia per chi se l'è pappato, ciauzzzzzzzzz


Simona, I love zuccotto and this is a great variation! The colours in your bomb are so vibrant! Beautiful work! I really enjoyed my strawberry balsamic icecream, did you? BTW thanks for your kind comments!


What a great variation. And buttermilk ice cream? -One of my favorites!! I love the slight tang it gives. Great job


Simona, I always get a kick out being served one of these desserts, grazie.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Tera, for the very nice comment.

Ciao Astro. Cream of tartar e' il cremor tartaro. E si', ho fatto anche tutti i gelati. Il gelato fatto in casa e' una delle mie specialita'. Ciao!

You are more than welcome, Marcellina. Yes, the strawberry ice cream flavored with vinegar is really good. I've been making it for a while and it is a great favorite with family (i.e., my husband) and friends. And this is the right time of the year to make lots of it, since we have local organic strawberries readily available.

Thanks, Sandie. The Blueberry and Buttermilk Sherbet is a another great favorite at our house. I have been making this recipe for years.

Prego, Peter. I am glad you like it.


Absolutely charming variation....
Loved what you did with the challenge..

Daring Baker - Swiss Swirl Icecream Cake

The Variable, Crazy Over Desserts - Nachiketa
Catch me on facebook @ Crazy Over Desserts

Simona Carini

Thanks, Nachiketa. Glad you liked what I did.


Anche il gelato come tutte le cose che si rispettino se fatto in casa ed è fatto con arte e passione fà la differenza

Simona Carini

Grazie Andrea. Sono d'accordissimo.

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