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July 18, 2010


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Though I know what lovage is, I have never, ever eaten it. Now I am feeling sorry for myself.

This is a beautiful original soup, Simona - so colorful and healthy. And do I spot a turtle there? Charming and tasty. I've yet to bake homemade crackers, so am really looking forward to your recipe.

Thank you for sharing with WHB!


I'm so glad you have lovage in your garden Simona. I used to grow it in the Sacramento valley but have never tried it here. Your soup looks wonderful! BTW - we just arrived home. :)


Simona, complimenti per l'orto rigoglioso, le foglie del levistico non si mangiano? sono molto interessata al prossimo post per i crackers ;-)) bacio.

Simona Carini

Hi Susan. It was, as usually, my pleasure. I recommend you try lovage, if you find some. Indeed, I made turtle-shaped crackers, just for fun.

Ciao Christine and welcome back. Given my lack of consistency in terms of gardening, I need plants that can take care of themselves and so far my lovage has shown a remarkable ability. We'll see what happens in the future. I definitely have more than I can use, so you are welcome to get some.

Ciao Astro. Si', si utilizzano anche le foglie (nel post sopra citato ho descritto un loro uso). Nel caso del passato, le foglie le avrei aggiunte verso la fine, ma il sapore era giusto e allora non l'ho fatto. Il levistico ha un sapore piuttosto forte, e quindi esercito cautela nell'aggiungerlo alle pietanze.

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