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July 21, 2010


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bellini valli

You have no idea how delicious this sounds right now Simona:D


I'd like you to have a slice right now ^________^ bacio!


A stunning post Simona. I'm so happy you enjoyed the book and were inspired to make such a wonderful dessert. I enjoyed that passage in the book too.


Mascarpone e mirtilli in un guscio di frolla: una proposta fresca e golosa :))

Simona Carini

Thanks, Val!

Ciao Astro. Se potessi, te ne manderei una fetta via email. Buon weekend!

Ciao Rachel. Inspiration is an interesting process and definitely books are a great source of ideas. Cook the Books events are always fun.

Ciao Lenny. Mi piace l'espressione "un guscio di frolla." Buon weekend!


Simona, what a perfectly gorgeous tart--love the combination of the mascarpone and the blueberries. Such a great dish to represent the book!


Yum. ;-)


Simona Carini

Thanks, Deb. Glad you like the tart.

Ciao Paz. ;)

Beth Anne

Oh, this sounds absolutely fantastic! Thank you for sharing such a scrumptious recipe with us!

Simona Carini

You are welcome!


Oh, this looks delectable!! Fabulous selection for Cook the Books =)

Kelly @ It's a Food Life

I, too, have last year's blueberries in the freezer. I may have to try this recipe. Looks wonderful!

Tina Marie

Absolutely lovely!


A truly sensuous dessert, I can't wait to try it. Great selection for Cook the Books.


This crostata is definitely bursting both with color and flavor. Delicious.


I wish I could have a slice of that right now! Mirtilli are some of my favourite fruits, but in Greece I can only find them frozen. Nothing like freezing your own though!

Simona Carini

Thanks everybody! I am glad you enjoyed my choice of dish for Cook the Books. I think that mascarpone is the perfect ingredient for making sensuous desserts.


My mom wanted me to bake something for her b-day party at work and your Daring Bakers' Challenge immediately came to my mind - crostata :) I made tiny mini crostatas, filled them with pastry cream and topped with fresh fruit. So I want to say thank you for your challenge! Otherwise I wouldn't know that something like crostata exists. Btw, the mascarpone cream sounds fantastic!

Simona Carini

Ciao Catalina. Thank you so much for the message. I am sure your mini-crostate were a huge success at your mother's party. I am so glad that the DB challenge recipe came handy. I often make crostata for guests: you can choose the topping you like, based on what's available and I have found that people always like it.

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