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July 10, 2010


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Audax Artifex

What an intriguing blog you have - so interesting and I learnt so much about the Italian spirit for life. Lovely photos and your writing style is so clear. Well done on this challenge.Cheers from the Audax in Sydney Australia.


Simona, everything you make sounds amazing. I would surely like to try everything!!

Healthy Foods Blog

Honestly, I don't understand the title. I never thought that I could see impressive foods in here. I am very glad and thankful for sharing this entry to us.

- Tera


Ciao Simona!


What a beautiful trio of walnut dishes! Gorgeous photos. I don't think I've ever cracked a walnut shell without breaking the nut. And your made your own cheddar!! That's an achievement.



Walnuts are my most favourite of all. Love it!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Audax for your kind words.

Thanks, Ivy.

Hi Tera. The title reflected the theme of the challenge. It is true that the photo doesn't show the walnut butter, which ended up in the dip. I am glad you enjoyed the post.

Ciao Baol! A quando le vacanze?

Hi Margie and thanks. Indeed, the walnut cheddar was worth the effort and the wait.

Glad to hear that, Ivonne.

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briciole di italiano

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