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June 03, 2010


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Simona this is wonderful. I love eating yoghurt with strawberries and I have just posted a spoon sweet recipe I make for your event.

bellini valli

With local strawberries just ripening up in the vine this is a very timely recipe Simona.


Now, this looks like a real treat.


Simona Carini

Thanks, Ivy!

Indeed, Bellini Valli, the season invites us to make use of its fruits and strawberries are so tempting.

Thanks, Paz.


quindi questa mousse è cotta, non un semplice mix di fragole e yogurt, giusto? ;-) bella la prima foto variegata.

Simona Carini

Si', giusto, Astro. La prima cottura fa produrre un po' di succo che poi si mescola a succo di limone, zucchero e amido di mais. Poi, la seconda cottura fa addensare il succo. Io limito entrambe per mantenere il sapore delle fragole.

Fat Burning Furnace Review

Looks delicious! I love strawberries, so this recipe is definitely getting added to my list! Thanks for sharing! =)

Simona Carini

I am glad you found the recipe interesting.

Fresh Yogurt

Luscious and creamy looking dessert.. Perfect..

Choc Chip Uru

This mousse sounds like my kind of dessert - light and delicious :D

Choc Chip Uru
Latest: Brown Butter Mixed M&M Chewy Cookies

Simona Carini

Hi and thanks for stopping by. Indeed, it is quite light and healthy and also flavorful.


Simona--I will be putting this on my list of recipes to try this summer. It looks way too good to not try!!

Simona Carini

Hi Traci. It is really good: I hope you'll agree with me when you try it.

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