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May 27, 2010


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that looks absolutely amazing!

bellini valli

I am finding these little morsels all over the blogosphere. The Daring Bakers strike gain with another winner:D


Love profiteroles and they are so easy to make. You vanilla filling and chocolate glazing sound like a perfect choice.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Prem.

Indeed, they do, Bellini Valli. These little morsels are irresistible.

Thanks, Ivy. I agree: this dessert is not difficult to make. It just requires a bit of planning.


How architectural! Brava.


Oh, what a beautiful presentation with the chocolate and roses. I love it. ;-)

By the way, I started The Shape of Water and am enjoying it very much. ;-)



Beautiful Simona! I actually like the caramel with the bigne but the spun sugar didn't last in our humidity. I make bigne very often but not as a croquembouche. If I were to do another croquembouche I would follow your lead and use chocolate. You describe it so perfectly! Thank you!


Sono belli e dorati: perfetti e quella colata di cioccolato è una gran goduria :))

Simona Carini

Grazie, Rachel.

Thanks, Paz. I am glad you are enjoying The Shape of Water. Let me warn you, though: Camilleri's novels with Montalbano are addictive.

Ciao Marcellina. I admire you for trying the spun sugar. I let my fondness for chocolate dictate my choice. Also, profiterole for me means melted chocolate like a lava flow over the bignè. I grew up eating bignè, and should make them more often. My husband was a bit hesitant about this dessert, precisely because he is not used to eating them. I am sure your kids are happy that you make bignè often.

Ciao Lenny. Mi sono venuti davvero bene, sia fuori che dentro. Hai ragione: la colata di cioccolato e' una goduria.


Ciao Simona E' venuto benissimo e le tue rose sono proprio belle ! Un bacio

Simona Carini

Grazie Natalia. Ricambio il bacio.

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