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April 02, 2010


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Such a clever idea to get wonderful pink potatoes! Thanks for taking part in WHB!

bellini valli

Pink potatoes are a definite sign of things to come!


My dear Simona! What a lovely idea!
May I ask what normally becomes of these baked Beets?
Do you just bake them like Potatoes?This is also new to me..sounds interesting.
I actually really like Beets and need them for their Iron content,but dont seem to be able to do may things with them..:)Grazie,much Love,Mia.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Love the pink potatoes Simona! We could design a whole menu around that idea!

Wishing you a Happy Easter!

Jeremy Parzen

Happy Easter, Simona... Buona pasqua and hag sameach! :-) love the pink potatoes... have a great holiday...

Simona Carini

Thanks, Haalo. It's my pleasure.

Thanks, Valli: they certainly look cheerful.

Ciao Mia. Red beets are quite versatile. I sometimes bake a couple even though I have no clear plan, since at a minimum they can be sliced and made into a salad. Crumbled chevre or other cheese of choice works great. I add a dollop of my fromage blanc. I often make red beet hummus (recipe linked above), especially when I have guests or I am a guest, since it is a popular dip. Red beet risotto is really good too.

Lori Lynn, you have my undivided attention: I am sure that in your creative hands, the menu would be wonderful. Happy Easter to you too.

Ciao Jeremy. Auguri anche a te e Tracie. Voto per l'introduzione negli USA della Pasquetta, che e' una bella tradizione.


wonderful idea, i like the colors in the dishes ^_________^ il fuso orario mi permette di essere ancora in tempo per gli auguri di buona pasqua, auguroni!!!!


Hope you had a wonderful Easter. The pink mashed potatoes sounds like a fabulous side dish.

Simona Carini

Ciao Astro! Quando ho visto il tuo commento mi si e' accesa la lampadina: ho mandato i miei auguri all'indirizzo email che era giusto una volta ma ora non piu' :( Perdonami! Grazie degli auguri. Spero che le festvita' pasquali siano andate bene.

Thanks Ivy. The weather was quite bad, so I spent most of the day in the kitchen. I hope your Easter celebration went well.


I only recently started eating beets but I think when you combine them with the potatoes it makes a great transitional dish to get people to eat them. Something old mixed with something new!

Love the color.


Beautiful coloured potatoes! I just can't imagine liking beetroot but not liking the colour!

Simona Carini

Thanks Joanne. I started eating beets quite late, but now I am enthusiastic about them: they are very versatile.

Ciao Foodycat. I love colorful foods, and red beets' color is so cheerful.

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