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April 27, 2010


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da noi il rabarbaro non si trova o molto raramente....tanto che ne ho visto stranamente una piantina in un vivaio e l'ho presa, domenica l'ho piantata nell'orto dei miei....vedremo cosa ne verrà fuori.....la cottura al vapore ho l'impressione che non sia facile per i dolci, anche se vedendo la tua tortina mi sembra che lieviti bene....ciao e buone valige ^__________^


Wow! Simona. This looks dazzling. I've got a lot of lard in my freezer to render and have been trying to find recipes with which to use it. Thanks!


Simona, I love the combination of the rhubarb with the fresh ginger. Your pudding looks lovely and moist!


Great post. I've never had rhubarb before except once from a jar and I liked it a lot. Your pudding looks delicious.


Le cotture al vapore mi incuriosiscono molto: ho una ricetta di torte delle rose con questa metodica.
Quanto prima avvio le sperimentazioni e farò capo alla tua ricetta, facendo a meno del rabarbaro (ahimè!)

bellini valli

This is a great way to celebrate Spring with rhubarb and meeting the challenge at the same time.

Simona Carini

Ciao Astro. Non so bene perche' in Italia il rabarbaro non si trova (o almeno non si trova facilmente). Io la prima volta lo mangiai in Inghilterra. Spero che la piantina si trovi bene nell'orto dei tuoi, cosi' potrai raccogliere degli steli. Non avevo mai cotto un dolce lievitato al vapore ed ero molto ansiosa: e' venuto davvero buono, quindi ora sono convinta.

Ciao Christine. My next step will be to try it in other recipes where I usually use butter. I'll keep you posted on the development.

Ciao Marcellina. Fresh ginger has such a lovely flavor that I use it as often as I can.

Ciao Ivy. I had also never had rhubarb while I was growing up in Italy. I tasted it the first time on my first visit to England and immediately liked it. I remember eating rhubarb pie and rhubarb yogurt.

Ciao Milena. Anche io ero molto curiosa e un po' scettica, ma dopo il risultato del mio primo esperimento, non vedo l'ora di provare di nuovo. Mi piacerebbe capire se la mancanze di diffusione del rabarbaro in Italia sia dovuta ad una difficolta' di coltivazione.

Indeed, Bellini Valli: I was anxiously waiting for rhubarb to appear in the store and I am glad I was able to celebrate its arrival by preparing something special with it.


Simona, mi domando se hai trovato il "budino" un po' secco. Il mio era troppo dolce ma anche secco.

Simona Carini

Ciao Laura. Lo hai servito caldo? Il mio lo aspettavo un po' meno morbido poiche' ho usato meno burro della ricetta, ma in totale e' venuto buono. Non avevo mai cotto una torta al vapore e sono rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa. La prossima volta che lo preparo usero' un po' piu' strutto e un po' meno burro: vedremo che cosa succede.


I love rhubard but it is too early in the season here in Calgary for it. Mine has just started popping out of the ground.It sounds great! Thanks for visiting my site


It looks lovely! Suet has quite a different texture to lard (firmer, has a higher melting point) so I am impressed that your pudding looks so perfect. And rhubarb! Yum!


Interesting-sounding dessert.


Simona Carini

Hi Sandie. I am pretty sure that the one I bought was not locally grown, either. It's nice that you are growing some. I tried once, a couple of years ago, but was not successful. Maybe I'll try again.

Ciao Foodycat. I have just recently started using rendered lard, so I am not yet familiar with how it performs in different dishes. Rhubarb is indeed yummy.

Thanks, Paz. It tasted good, so I will certainly make it again.


Mmm, I like the sound of this dessert. And your version is by far more attractive than the one on the BBC site! How pretty. We have lots of rhubarb around my part of the country, so maybe I'll try making this dessert.

I'm curious as to what the specific uses for strutto were in your household, as you mentioned at the beginning of the post.

I still have 5 pounds of pork fat in the freezer that I need to render into lard!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Lisa. Rhubarb is good in many dishes. I would like to make rhubarb pie once, maybe using strutto in the crust. My mother used it to make the crust of her pizza con la bieta (Swiss chard). My aunt did the same and I think she also used it in her sweet shortcrust pastry, together with butter. Five pounds? Once you've rendered it, you can divide it into small jars and freeze them for later use. I'll explore more ideas for using it: stay tuned.

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