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March 17, 2010


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OH YEAH! I would! ;) Io adoro il pane Simona! Mi cimento anche a farlo e con risultati discreti. Quello che mi fa impazzire è l'odore del pane sfornato...mmmm....acquolina...
La tua treccia gialla è di un invitanteeeee!!!! Che farina hai usato?
basìn Donatella


I love it - white art! :) Love bread making, too.


I bought the book since I was one of their recipe testers but somehow haven't tried anything from it. My problem is that I can't stop eating bread when I have it in the house, so I end up gaining tons of weight. One of the reasons I stopped the bread baking apprentice challenge is the 5 pounds I gained eating the wonderful breads.

I love baking bread though, I need to figure out a way to get rid of the bread when I make it ;o)

I love making challah, yours looks beautiful. Did you use farm eggs, it is so yellow.

Simona Carini

Ciao Donatella. Sono sicura che Billa e tuo marito gioiscono al risultato del tuo cimento. Il pane e' fatto tutto con farina bianca: il giallo e' dovuto ai rossi d'uovo e Laura ha indovinato: sono uova di galline ruspanti.

Thanks Ahn.

Ciao Laura. I noticed that you had stopped and was wondering. I often share part of what I make or I freeze it. Somehow we manage to be restrained in our consumption. Challah is nice, in that it keeps longer than other breads. Indeed, I used farm eggs, hence the beautiful color of the crumb.


I love everything and the one with the black rice is very interesting.


Yes, please! A slice or two for me. ;-)


Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy. The black rice is very interesting: when it is cooked it's deep purple. Once I used it to make risotto.

Certainly, Paz, any number of slices you'd like.


May I have a slice of the challah please? With butter and jam and a cup of coffee, if that is OK!

I've made a gorgeous salad (chicchi) with venero nero, chickpeas and truffles, but I have never thought about adding rice to bread!

Simona Carini

Of course it's ok! Your salad sounds good. I thought black rice would work as a substitute for wild rice and it did.

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