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February 14, 2010


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Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Hi Simona - very impressive! I have baking (any) bread on my list of things to learn.
Love the Tony video. Doesn't that look so satisfying, sitting in that kitchen with some bread, wine, cheese, and sausage? Chatting about food!



adore your mezze. it looks delicious
I too love pane carasau. happy me I know people that know people...


Sai che anche dalle mie parti si prepara la pita? Io però non mi sono mai cimentata in quest'impresa che considero oltre le mie capacità :))


Grazie a te ho scoperto i video di Bourdain sulla Sardegna e me li sto guardando uno ad uno. Incredibile la preparazione del pane carasau.
L'hummus è uno dei mei "dip" preferiti.


Your mezze spread sounds heavenly, Simona. I like how you've toasted the cumin before grinding, completely different flavor and fragrance. The pita you show puffed nicely, too. Homemade bread is such a treat. Thanks for sharing the pane carasau videos. Wonderful.

Audax Artifex

Great videos and I love the dips you made. I like how you made hummus with sesame seeds and extra olive oil. Love how your pita bread balloon up. Cheers from Audax in Sydney Australia.

Medical Consultation

it was my first time to saw that kind of food.. looks so delicious...


Very cool to be able to make the pita bread AND the hummus. Yum, yum, yum!


Simona Carini

Hi Lori Lynn, I hope you get to try soon. Pita bread may be a good intro bread. I wish I could go back to Sardinia for a visit. I have many food memories from my trip, many years ago.

Hi Wic, happy you indeed, if the knowing results in obtaining some pane carasau.

Ciao Lenny. No, non sapevo che la pita si preparasse anche dalle tue parti. Sono sicura che se provassi avresti degli ottimi risultati.

Ciao Alex. Anche a me piace guardarmi i video di Bourdain su YouTube. L'hummus secondo me crea un po' di dipendenza: e' difficile smettere di mangiarlo.

Ciao Susan. I started toasting the cumin since I made the roasted red beet and the difference is such that I have done it ever since. I love making bread at home: it's an adventure upon which I don't get tired of embarking. Glad you liked the video!

Hi Audax. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.

Yum, yum, yum is appropriate here, Paz: the two things are so perfect together!


Thank you so much for participating in the mezze challenge this month. Your food looks so delicious and your pita are perfect! I love the video and want to make the Sardinian bread now.


this looks so good. yummm


Such lovely puffy pita! Amazing.


What a wonderful and informative post, Simona!
I admire you for taking the time to write all your observations down, sharing your experience so completely.

Regarding Tahini, I have had the same problem, buying a tub and then having to discard it (and not even being sure if it may have still been edible, just didn't want the risk of poisoning my family). Since it could potentially be a very healthy component of one's diet, I felt bad about not using it more. Taking to research some on the web, I hope, one day!

Carta da Musica! Evokes such dear memories of sharing meals with friends who had just returned from Sardinia with a fresh supply of carta da musica and cheeses. The last time I encountered it was, of all places, a restaurant in Ravenna! I found it to my utter surprise in their bread basket and asked about it. The waiter was so pleased about my interest and that I had recognized that it was something special, he gave me a whole stack to take home! He regularly visits his village back in Sardegna and always carries a big supply from a local bakery.

You mentioned that you do not have a brick oven: Have you ever tried to use one of those baking stones? I used to have one from Crate and Barrel, with a rough surface. I preheated my American oven, up to 550°F, for about 45 minutes, with the stone in it on the rack on the lowest level, keeping underneath an old aluminum pie dish, which I filled with a cup of hot water the moment I had set the pizza or focaccia on parchment paper directly on the hot stone (really an unglazed big sort of tile). I made pizza with the crust so thin and crispy and fragrant, he rivaled the real pizza oven one. Unfortunately, my oven here does not deliver such high temperatures and I have stopped making pizza out of frustration. Missing the high heat, they are forgettable.


Sheer serendipity:
I went to the New York Times Food Section after visiting here (for once, I did not go to the farmers' market, having still enough vegetables) and what did I see, Tahini used in a Tahini sauce, here: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/17/dining/17amuserex.html?ref=dining
(would be interesting to know whether they want you to use Middle Eastern or Asian Tahini).
Cheers! :-9

Simona Carini

Thanks to you, Michele, for such a nice choice.

When the pita puffs up, it is quite satisfying, Foodycat.

Ciao Merisi, I can imagine how pleased the waiter was at your knowledge of the bread. The only problem is that once you start eating it, it is difficult to stop. I have a pizza stone, which I used to bake the pita bread and next time I will raise the temperature. I am actually not sure what is the maximum temperature that my oven can reach: I need to check the documentation. Pizza definitely needs high temperatures. I have to say my oven does pretty well with pizza. Thanks for the pointer to the Tahini sauce: it is an interesting recipe.


Its good to read about your mezze.I like that you made pita bread..I will also try for it.
I also want to say that I did not have a traditional mezze plate so I will just go for it.Thanks for showing this video.

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