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February 20, 2010


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ahh questo allora è uno dei tuoi preziosi libri di cucina...sembra quasi un libro di favole.......di favole mangerecce ;-)) baciii!

Simona Carini

Ciao Astro. Mi sono proprio divertita a scrivere questo post. Ogni libro di cucina e' anche un po' un libro di ricordi, una specie di album familiare. La grafica di questo e' davvero carina.


per carciofi xmia zuppa bastanoi carciofi normali ,oppure quelle con la spine, no ai romaneschi, con i primi 2 tipi viene più sapida buona giornata


Your love for cheese seems to start very early in your married life. I love savory cheesecakes and finochio is one of my favourite ingredients.


Oh first of all I must say that you remember a lot about your cook books and your different recipe.I do appreciate you for that.Its good to know about Strata.Hey I also like Savory Cheesecake as I like cheese very much.


I enjoyed reading about your most treasured cookbooks. I love the quotes you've used here, too.


Simona Carini

Grazie delle informazioni aggiuntive, Caravaggio.

Ciao Ivy. Indeed, I have always loved cheese, though I never thought I would learn to make it at home.

Both savory cheesecakes and strata are tasty dishes, Acecard.

Thanks, Paz. I hope I can find the booklet where they came from: I am pretty sure there were still a lot of bookmarks in it.

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