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February 24, 2010


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I have never tried gelato al caffè.I think its easy and quick to make this recipe..Now I will definitely try for its taste.Now I will wait for your green tea ice cream as its something new and different.

bellini valli

I am praising myself for finally having a small freezer so that my ice cream maker liner will always be ready..I actually have room for it now.


Heaven. Absolute heaven. I can never decide whether strawberry or coffee is my favourite flavour of icecream, but obviously after this I am leaning heavily towards coffee!


E' uno dei mie preferiti :))


Oooo, I haven't made coffee ice cream in a while, and this sounds even better than ice cream!

And I look forward to the green tea recipe~I made green tea ice cream once, but it was waaaaay too strong.


Love the rainbow. Would love to taste your gelato. ;-)


Simona Carini

With good quality ingredients, the ice cream will be good: that is my simple rule, Acecard.

Hi Valli, glad to hear you are getting ready to make some ice cream. I am looking forward to reading about your experience with it.

Hi Foodycat. The beauty of coffee ice cream is that is independent of the season. In the summer, I also make strawberry ice cream. We'll talk more about this when strawberry season starts.

Ciao Lenny. Anche per me, fin da quando ero piccola.

Ciao Ruhama. What happened? Did you use too much green tea. I also had a rocky first experience.

Glad you like the photo, Paz. I make this flavor fairly often, so come by any time to have some :)


Simona, My very favorite flavor of ice cream is always coffee, sounds wonderful! I must admit I don't own an ice cream maker, if I did I'm afraid I'd be sneeking in the freezer late at night with spoon in hand!


Coffee gelato! You really can't beat it! And you photos make me want to make it now!

Simona Carini

Ciao Marie. I think coffee is a fascinating ice cream flavor, intense and elegant. I understand your feelings about having an ice cream maker.

Ciao Marcellina. I hope you get to make it one day: it's a real treat.


Ciao :)

Mi chiamo Elena e sul mio blog di cucina sto raccogliendo delle ricette, insieme agli altri food blogger, per creare una raccolta. :)

Si tratta di ricette "a colori" che verrebbero poi raccolte (citando ovviamente le fonti) in un ebook scaricabile da tutti gli amanti della buona cucina.

Se ti può interessare, questo è il link dove ci sono tutti i dettagli. :)


Spero di averti incuriosita. :P

Ti auguro buona giornata,


sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

My favorite flavor for an afternoon pick me up on the piazza.
This is a ♥friday's favorite♥

Simona Carini

Hi Sandi. It's certainly a great afternoon option. And I like the name "friday's favorite".

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