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February 03, 2010


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Ciao Simona: What a great post. Of course I am biased given my own Big Island roots - this really made me homesick. That is a very interesting - and much less visited - part of the island but one where you can really see a much more authentic side of life there than you get in the resort area on the Kona side of the island. We still have at our home here in California a stone bowl used to pound rice into "mochi" (Japanese rice cake), which had been next to a friend's home that was covered by cinders by the 1960 eruption that started literally in the center of the former town of Kapoho. I can remember the day my mother and I went to the site to dig it up. Era un lavoro molto faticoso!


insomma eravate proprio come Adamo ed Eva...su una splendida isola con i frutti proibiti ^______^ .......giorni sicuramente da non dimenticare, bacio!


a beautiful way to start off the new year. the fruits look so good.


Simona Carini

Thanks, Mike, for the kind words. Having had first-hand experience of a destructive eruption gives one a different perspective from that of a visitor like me. From the airplane we saw the houses surrounded by lava. In the area we visited, affected by earlier eruptions, it is also amazing to see how nature takes over again. I certainly would like to visit again.

Ciao Astro. Non avevo pensato alla nostra situazione come a quella dell'Eden: hai ragione. Spero di non essere mandata via perche' davvero mi piacerebbe tornarci.

Indeed, Paz, it was a lovely transition into the new decade.


The island is so beautiful and I would love to visit one day.


Wow, che vacanza fantastica! Sono proprio felice per voi.
Beautiful pictures both on this and the volcano posts. I'd love to try abiu.
Un abbraccio e a presto!

Simona Carini

Indeed it is quite beautiful, Ivy. I hope you get to visit it one day.

Ciao Marta e grazie. Ammetto che non vedo l'ora di mangiare ancora dell'abiu. Una buona scusa per tornare sull'isola.

 r4 firmware

Wow that Avocado Tree House looks so nice and I like it.You have described very well about food and places of Kona side and Hilo side.Thank you very much for sharing this information.


Di avocado e bananite ne ho fatto scorpacciate in Costarica ma non le rimpiango perchè mi hanno fatto ingrassare almeno 4 chili.... spero lo stesso di te....

Simona Carini

Ciao Clara. Non saprei dirti, dal momento che mi peso molto raramente. Credo che il pericolo fosse piu' da parte degli avocado che delle banane. Pero' mi sarebbe piaciuto poter usare la frutta per fare gelati o sorbetti: gelato alla banana o all'arancia, sorbetto all'abiu, ecc.


What a lovely way to spend New Year's Day. It must have been a thrill to pick your own avocados for lunch or dinner. The house looks lovely! Great post, too.

Simona Carini

Thanks Lynne. We really enjoyed spending time there.

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