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January 31, 2010


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I'm so glad you send this cool recipe in to WHB. We made chenna once on the Crispy Cook and then mixed it with orange rind, chopped almonds and sugar to make little dessert balls that were very good. You've reminded me to make it again soon. The recipe's on the Crispy Cook if you search the blog for chenna if you want to check it out.


Lovely and delicate, Simona. As much as Indian food is among my many favorite cuisines, I have yet to make paneer or chenna, yet they are relatively easy cheeses to master. I'm especially intrigued by your description of "soft, velvety" handling.

(I'm in for WHB. I think you know which recipe I'll be featuring. ; ) I look forward to your hosting.)


I'm NOT surprised that they were really good. ;-)



Simona, mi sono iscritta a un corso di un giorno per imparare a fare il formaggio (come inizio, poi ne faro' altri). Non vedo l'ora di imparare, sicuramente mi mettero' a fare il formaggio spesso, devo solo trovare gli ingredienti. Conosci un posto nella Bay Area dove si trovano i vari ingredienti?


Simona Carini

Hi Rachel. Thanks for the pointer: I looked at your recipe and it sounds excellent.

Hi Susan. It is a very interesting experience manipulating the cheese. I hope you will try one day. I must admit that the thought crossed my mind: I am looking forward to reading it.

Thanks, Paz.

Che bello, Laura. Fammi sapere dove lo fai e come va. Cerco di mantenere una pagina con questo tipo di informazioni: making cheese at home.

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