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January 19, 2010


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We did the same thing at daybreak on New Year's Day about 15 years ago, except we took a helicopter trip all around the island. It remains one of the most thrilling things I have ever done, and the volcano was active back then, it was spectacular! We stayed up at Waikoloa, just up the coast from Kailua-Kona, where we saw fireworks off all the boats in the harbor at midnight on New Year's Eve. That's a great time of year to visit, especially coming from chilly Illinois!


wouuuuuuuuu Simooooo, che splendido posto.... un bel capodanno non c'è che dire, invidiaaaaaaaaa.......son curiosa e aspetto il prossimo post, bacio!


It seems you had a great time. Hawaii is the place I have always wanted to go. Maybe in another lifetime :) Great pictures.


Simona: How nice to hear that you visited my luogo di nascita and that you enjoyed your trip! I was born and raised in and around Hilo. It is a very special place - and totally different from the other Hawaiian islands given the volcano, two 13,000 ft mountains and largely rocky coastline. More recently when our kids were smaller we used to go back each summer and spend a week or so at one of the resorts on the Kohala Coast - as I am sure you found out, it is far sunnier on the west side of the island. A presto, Mike

Simona Carini

Hi Peggasus. Thrilling is the right word here: there is something so special about seeing the power of Nature. We enjoyed the warm temperature too!

Ciao Astro. Per noi le isole Hawaii sono relativemante vicine, ma certo dall'Italia e' un bel viaggio.

Ciao Ivy. It's quite a trip from Greece, but you never know...

Ciao Mike: I wish I had told you we were going! We stayed on the Hilo side (more on this in the upcoming post), because we wanted to be close to the volcanic activity and loved it. The weather was actually quite nice the whole time.


Hi Simona,

Regina here, for ExpatWomen.com.

I would like to personally invite you to list your blog on our Expat Women Blog Directory (www.expatwomen.com/expatblog/) so that other women can read about and learn from your expat experiences.

Many thanks in advance for your contribution and keep up your great blog!



Hai la massima comprensione da chi ha vissuto la propria giovinezza ai piedi dell'Etna. Questo vostro "caloroso" inizio d'anno vi sia d'augurio simbolico....

Sabrine d'Aubergine

Foto stupende. E tante cose che non sapevo su questi luoghi visti solo nei documentari. Mi hai fatto sognare un po': grazie.
A presto


Wow! What an awesome-sounding trip. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Simona Carini

Thanks for the invitation, Regina.

Ciao Clara. Non so bene se mi piacerebbe vivere vicino al vulcano, ma certo visitarlo e' stato molto interessante.

Ciao Sabrine e grazie delle parole gentili.

You are welcome, Paz.

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Wow I am glad to read that you have actually seen the volcanic activity.I have really enjoyed this post and all lava photographs.They are fantastic.Thank you very much for such wonderful post about your trip.


Jeepers, those are some fine photographs, ma'am. My blog's post Monday happened to concern an author who lives in Hawaii, and a commenter from Hawaii mentioned the recent volcanic activity. And an article in my newspaper this week about a fountain-pen show mentioned pens made form lava. Lava is increasingly part of my karma.
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Sono immagini meravigliose che rivelano le bellezze della Natura in tutta la loro forza :))


I have read your latest posts, very interesting!
More in a few days, right now I need to try to sleep asap, my alarm clock will ring at 5am.

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Simona Carini

Thanks, Peter. I know that, depending on the direction of the wind, other islands can be affected by vog. Maybe you should plan on getting a closer look of lava.

Grazie, Lenny.

Ciao, Merisi. An interesting perspective on Nutella. Vanessa also mentioned that it is one thing that she brings back from Italy. 5 am is indeed an early start!

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