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December 20, 2009


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Wow, I would really like to make some cream cheese but I am not sure I understood how you made it. By the way, in Greece we also use only olive oil to cook and our omelets are perfect :)


I am so interested in making cheese at home too, but right now I really don't have the time. I will have to start reading more about it, and thanks for the inspiration.

Buone Feste!


ai formaggi da spalmare è difficile che io resista, ma vedo che anche a casa tua c'è chi apprezza...e si prenota per il bis ;-)) bacio!


homemade creme cheese? that. is. really. cool!



That cream cheese looks so luscious. I'd like to try making it sometime, but I'm always uncertain about the rennet and all of that. And you put it in an omelet? Mamma mia!

The creme caramel is very elegant in its ice-cream glass.

Jann Mumford

When are you having your cheese making classes? I'm flying out!

green tea

Its interesting to know about cream cheese and you have described it very well.I would like to make this cream cheese at home.Thank you very much for such information about it..

Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy. Greece and central and southern Italy belong to what I call "the olive oil zone" meaning we cook preferentially with olive oil, rather than butter. As for the cream cheese, I refer readers to the book, which includes also important information on making cheese in general.

Ciao Laura. I hope you will be able to give cheese making a try in the new year. Buone Feste!

Ciao Astro. Devo dire che mio marito e' molto contento delle mie alchimie formaggesche.

Thanks, Paz!

Ciao Lisa. That's why I refer readers to the book: the chemistry of making cheese is fascinating and background reading helps understand it. Both cultures and rennet are important and also the timing of the various steps. Having a good guide through those makes the journey easier and the arrival quite festive.

Ciao Jann. I don't think I am qualified to teach a class, but if you visit, I'll be happy to do a demo.

You are welcome, Green Tea.


What brand cream cheese would you recommend substituting with?

Simona Carini

I am afraid I am not an expert on store-bought cream cheese. As I mention in my post, the last time I bought some was a long ago and I honestly don't remember the brand.


interessante questo spalmabile il genere affascina sempre.

Simona Carini

Ciao Andrea. E' comodo averne nel frigo, perche' si puo' utilizzare in molti modi.


simona io in frigo ho uno spalmabile col gusto del pecorino cosidetto coi vermi
un formaggio che dura 6 mesi in frigo.
naturalmente fatto da me in casa.

Simona Carini

Ho avuto modo di assaggiare il pecorino coi vermi: e' eccellente.


Ciao Simò, adesso c'e puoi visionarlo il vasetto appena prodotto,

Simona Carini

Mi piace l'idea di metterlo in vasetto. Purtroppo trovare latte di pecora per me rimane una chimera.

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