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December 29, 2009


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Capita anche a me di "Quando lavoro tranquilla in cucina, mi capita di fare scoperte interessanti. Quando sono nervosa, di solito finisco per dover riparare danni" ....
L'abbinamento dei fagioli con il pesto è una novità interessante che dopo le feste voglio provare ;))
Ti lascio i miei più cari auguri di buon anno :))


Cara Simona: Wow, this looks great. It is quite a coincidence, but I had just finished doing a post on my blog this evening about a Tuscan bean dish I made for dinner (see http://gastronomichael.blogspot.com/2009/12/fagioli-alla-salvia-ed-aglio-tuscan.html) when I saw your above post. I can imagine pesto with the beans - especially with the extra garlic - would be quite tasty. I am also hoping to try a pesto-style sauce substituting cavolo nero (my new favorite!) for basil. Take care and buon anno! Mike

bellini valli

On Christmas Eve I was looking for a side dish of beans, but decided I already had too muich food...there is always New years!!!


Oh, delicious-looking and sounding! I'm glad that serendipity happened here. ;-)



I've used pesto in beans as well and it's great. Mest best wishes to you and your family for the New Year.


ciao Simooo, complimenti per la ricetta del pollo che voglio provare al più presto e per questo semplice e gustoso contorno........per te è ancora presto ma ti auguro una bellissima serata e un vagone di auguri di buon anno nuovo, bacioni!!


wish you a happy, healthy, tasty 2010, dear simona.


Gorgeous combination! I love the smell when pesto hits freshly boiled beans - it's different to the smell of pesto and pasta but equally as good.


Hi Simona!
This looks very good!Very interesting way of doing pesto aswell..would love to try..!
Happy New year to you!


"I realize this a flight of fancy, but words fascinate me and sometimes I like to follow the thoughts they inspire. "

We are the richer for it!

Tanti auguri di Buon Anno Nuovo!

P.S.: I love white beans and am happy to be able to cook with them again (I looked for them in States far and near, never to find them there). During the cold season, I oftentimes makes pesto with arugola, using pecans instead of pinoli, the sweetness of these nuts dampening the pungency of the herb just right.


Thanks for the lovely entry..really looks good..

Simona Carini

Ciao Lenny: grazie e Buon Anno a te.

Ciao Mike. Indeed, it looks like we were on the same wavelength. I am looking forward to reading more about your experiments with cavolo nero.

Ciao Valli: these beans certainly make a nice side dish.

Me too, Paz.

Ciao Ivy and thanks for the inspiration. Happy New Year to you as well.

Ciao Astro. La sera di Capodanno ero a ben 11 ore di distanza dall'Italia in termini di fuso orario. Poi scrivero' qualche posto in merito. Auguroni!

Thank you so much, Bee. Same to you and Jai.

Indeed, Foodycat. A different good smell. One of the reasons I love to make pesto is its heavenly smell: it cheers me up instantly.

Ciao Mia. Happy New Year to you too!

Ciao Merisi and auguroni. I am lucky in terms of finding beans and love heirloom varieties. I have a nice stash and should talk about other recipes soon. Interesting take on pesto, your variation with arugola. I can see how pecans work nicely with its unique flavor.

You are welcome, Srivalli. It's my pleasure to participate.


Oh, these white beans look delicious! I try to eat these as much as I can, adding them to dishes that might need a little kick!


Simona, come state? Avete avuto danni? Buon Anno a te e tuo marito. Quando tornate nella Bay Area? Riprendo a lavorare il primo marzo, se vieni prima ci possiamo vedere con piu' facilita'.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Jann. I am always looking for ways to make quick and flavorful bean dishes.

Ciao Laura. Tutto bene, grazie. Nessun danno e di fatto non ci siamo accorti, poiche' eravamo in kayak e non c'e' stato nessun segno di disturbo. Mi faccio sentire per email.

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Its interesting to know that you make accidental discoveries in the kitchen. Sometimes I also do like you and create something new and different recipe.Its also good to know your new recipe of pesto and marjoram with use of oregano.Thanks for this good post.


Try this recipe with a little extra garlic and sea salt, it adds a lot of flavor!

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