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November 14, 2009


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Wow! What an interesting shape. Glad you were able to come up with a nice recipe.



I have never seen a squash like that! What a graceful shape.

Simona Carini

I am glad too, Paz. It is indeed an elegantly shaped vegetable.

I hadn't seen it either, Foodycat. It's so beautiful to just look at it.

Sabrine d'Aubergine

La forma di queste zucchine è davvero straordinaria, ma... hai mai conosciuto le zucchine serpente di Sicilia? Vedo che tu citi la zucchina lunga, ma non mi pare la stessa... comunque, se ti interessa, questa è la mia avventura (con conseguente ricetta):

A presto


PS: interesting blog...


Oh wow that is one crazy zucchini! I would have been forced to buy it as well. You definitely did a good job cooking it, this soup sounds delicious.

Jeremy Parzen

Simona, the photographs are stunning! Did you take those? What camera did you use?

Simona Carini

Ciao Sabrine. Onestamente, non conoscevo il termine "zucchina serpente." Dalle foto mi sembra che sia la stessa cosa della zucchina lunga. La cosa interessante e' che zucchina serpente e zucchina trombetta sono imparentante, essendo entrambe tipi di Cucurbita moschata.

Thanks, Joanne. Based on my experience, being tempted by strange-looking vegetables usually leads to interesting adventures.

Grazie, Jeremy, per il complimento. Actually, I am still fumbling a lot with the camera, which I bought not long ago. It is a Nikon D5000 and so far I am happy with it.


That's a very unusual zucchini. Is it the same like snake gourd I have seen used in some Indian recipes?


Yes this is with interesting shape and color and I also like your new recipe.I have never try this zucchina trombetta before but now I want to taste it.I really like that you share this with us.


Beautiful vegetable indeed!
I have discovered fresh marjoram quite recently,
tastes so much better than the dried one.
I love it with potatoes, sauteed with a little olive oil.

Bellini Valli

I love all creamy type soups, it is how my mother conviced me to eat cauliflower as a child. Some things never change, and I would love a large bowl of this nice warm soup.

Simona Carini

Hi Ivy. I looked up snake gourd and its scientific name is Trichosanthes cucumerina, so it is not the same plant as the one I am describing. Thanks for the question: I had actually not heard of this plant.

Thank you.

Ciao Merisi. Indeed, fresh marjoram is a treat.

Ciao Valli. As a child, I wanted creamy soups and did not usually get them, so now I indulge my old wishes. Cream of cauliflower: that's a nice idea.


I am loving the shape of those zucchine. I don't blame you for not wanting to cut them up, but I am sure your soup was deliciously worth it! ;)


That looks like a graceful green swan.
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Simona Carini

Thanks, Cheri. I was surprised nobody else seemed to jump on them the way I did.

A very nice comparison, Peter.


What a beautiful vegetable! The soup soup looked so creamy and tasty....

Simona Carini

Ciao Jann. I love creamy soups and this one had a really nice texture. I must hope to find more of this kind of zucchina next year.


I just picked my first zucca trombetta. They are beautiful. I can't wait to cook it! There are many recipes, but your soup looks yummy!

Simona Carini

Congratulations! They are indeed beautiful. I hope the soup will meet your expectations.

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