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November 09, 2009


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Can't believe this has been going on for two years. Wow! Time flies when you're having fun. Great lineup.



Hi simona!

Im soooooo sorry ive not been around for a while..travelling again and then not been able to balance all that is on my plate..!
I sure did miss out on this big time!
What a shame.. definitely a lovely display of ''intellectual nourishment"!I think I might just Dig in!
much love
Mia :)

Simona Carini

Thanks, Paz. I know, it seems like we started yesterday.

Ciao Mia. I figured you were on the road. I hope you'll be around when the next edition rolls out. It is always amazing to read about works of literature and how they inspire us.

susan from food blogga

You know, whenever I'm reading, I try to remember food scenes so that I can participate in this and inevitably I forget the scene or miss the deadline. But the entries and your write-ups always impress me, Simona.

Simona Carini

Don't worry, Susan. There will be another edition not too far into the future. I am glad you enjoyed the roundup.


Thanks for the round-up, Simona. There are always good reads (and eats) that I don't know anything about. Novel Food is a great way to fill up on everything.

Simona Carini

Thank you for your kind words, Susan. Like you, I always get great reading and eating suggestions form Novel Food.

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