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November 02, 2009


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The gougeres look beautiful and I can imagine that they tasted awesome.


YOU MADE YOUR OWN GOUDA? I am so impressed! I think I will make gougeres too, I love them with wine. Pity you don't drink any.


Kudos for making your own gouda. This post was certainly in the spirit of our Cook the Books selection.


I'm so impressed with all your cheese-making skills!


Simona Carini

Thanks, Ivy.

Yes, Jo, as part of my learning to make cheese at home. I have been at it for about a year.

Thanks, Rachel. It's always a pleasure be inspired by our reading.

Thanks, Paz, you are very kind. I am really just a beginner. I would very much like to take a class. Maybe next year.


You made your own Gouda! That's amazing. You've become such a cheese master. And the little wheel is so cute! Do you know, I've always wanted to make gougeres; they're delicious but have seemed daunting to try at home.

Your pumpkin soup looks wonderful, too. It's that time of year, isn't it?


bella questa idea dei bignè salati, da aggiungere ad una buona zuppa, sono davvero una simpatica alternativa ai crostini, bacio!

Simona Carini

Ciao Lisa. I will actually make it again, because I really liked the result. Mostly, they need undivided attention for a little while, but the reward is worth the effort. Oh yes, it's that time of the year and I am stocking up on squash. The fact that they keep for a while is one of their many virtues.

Ciao Astro. Sono proprio buoni e te li raccomando.

maria v

you made your own gouda? you are amazing
i bet this tasted really good


I am amazed that you made your own cheese! Wow! How can your gougeres have been anything other than amazing? I've got to make some cheese!


You have inspired me to attempt a hard cheese. But, I want one of those nifty little graters. Guess I'll have to go back to Italy for one? Good job with the gougeres!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Maria. Indeed, the gougères tasted really good, so I will see me making them again in the future.

Hi Foddycat. Making cheese is really rewarding, so I totally recommend you try.

I am glad I am tempting you, Claudia: hard cheese requires a bit of patience, but it's worth it. I have not seen a grater like that here in the US. And to think that I got mine basically for free.


Its really good to know that you made the recipe three times.I must say that you are very creative in cooking and I like it.I do appreciate you.I will also try like you because I also like to create and cook new recipe.Keep up the good work.


Sei proprio bravissima, Simona,
fare addiretture il formaggio Gouda in casa! :-)

Simona Carini

Grazie, Merisi. Fare il formaggio a casa mi diverte molto e il gouda e' venuto buono. Presto provero' di nuovo a farlo.


certo che fare il formaggio in casa per me è diventato quasi un lavoro,
devo sperimentare quello che penso sia più difficile se non impossibile

Simona Carini

Buona fortuna! Spero che ti venga bene. Io ho provato a farlo quasi all'inizio dei miei esperimenti, ma invecchiare una forma piccola per un anno ed evitare che si indurisca troppo si e' rivelato un problema. Magari riprovero' quando saro' un po' piu' esperta.

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