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November 27, 2009


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Your cannoli look perfect Simona and scrumptious with your own homemade ricotta.


I think the puff pastry version looks lovely! And with your own ricotta and puff-pastry, it sounds delicious.

Jeremy Parzen

great post! I love how the "shell" of the cannolo is called the "buccia" or "skin" in Italian, at least that's what a Sicilian chef told me earlier this year.

Account Deleted

Whatever you did with this challenge, all that I know is that your version of cannoli looks just lovely.


I love your cannoli, especially the round shaped one.




I commend you on your determination! If I'd lost the thermometre teh way you did I would have given up! Sorry you had trouble with the dough, but I still think the cannoli look good. And I love the puff pastry cannoli ... those are next on my list to try.


Yum! Your puff pastry version looks delish! Love your experimentation! Great job.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Ivy.

Thanks, Foodycat. Fortunately, I seem to be good at making puff pastry and the pairing with the ricotta cream worked nicely.

Ciao Jeremy. My Sicilian cookbook calls them scorze, which is a synonym of bucce. Maybe the recipe in my book will suit me better. I'll see if I want to have a second episode of this adventure.

Thanks, Aparna.

Thanks, Paz. I am sending you one - virtually.

Grazie, Ivonne. I was very tempted to give up, but an element of stubbornness sent me to the store to get what I needed to try again. I will definitely make the puff pastry ones again.


Too bad it didn't work out. My dough was really weird but I never got to roll it as I run out of time and had to leave town for out little vacation. I froze it and will try it when I get back. The puff pastry version worked really well.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

I admire your perseverance Simona!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Ciao Simona, non ho mai mangiato i cannoli nella loro terra d'origine, la Sicilia però ho avuto la fortuna di assaggiarli comunque e concordo con te: sono meravigliosi (e lo dice uno che preferisce i cibi salati a quelli dolci). Ricordati che la ricotta deve essere di pecora e non di mucca ;)

(scusami se il commento non l'ho scritto in inglese ma ho ancora il cervello rintontito dal ritorno a casa, traducilo tu se vuoi)

un abbraccio


What a saga! I admire the fact that you started all over after the oil fiasco; don't know if I would have had the gumption to. I love the way your puff pastry pseudo-cannoli look. And I'm sure that anything with your homemade ricotta inside it would be delicious.


Great try! You did well and I admire your perseverance! When we make them at home (have been doing this since I was a very little girl) we use a pasta machine to roll the dough out. That way we can roll the dough out very thinly. Hope that helps and don't give up!

Simona Carini

Thank you, Cheri.

Ciao Laura. Glad you took a little vacation: will we learn where? I am curious to know how your dough behaves.

Thanks, Lori Lynn. It was a peaceful day. Hope your Thanksgiving was nice too.

Ciao Baol. Hai ragione e aggiungero' una nota a proposito. Spero un giorno di riuscire a trovare del latte di pecora per poter provare a farci del formaggio e poi della ricotta. Bentornato a casa.

Ciao Lisa. I had only myself to blame for the thermometer accident. It was a bit scary. I am glad there was no spill. I may try again.

Ciao Debbie. Unfortunately I don't own a pasta machine, though I can see how it is helpful in getting the dough to be very thin. I am sure your cannoli look great. I am more and more leaning towards giving them another try.


I'm so sorry the dough didn't work out for you..it is quite a challenge to deal with and fry..took me two weeks to get it right! However, what a great idea to use puff pastry, and those cannoli, traditional and stacked, look gorgeous! Thank you for taking part in my challenge this month!!



Simona Carini

Ciao Lisa. It was a learning experience and I am glad I tried. I am planning to try again. I am grateful to your for the challenge.

Prego, caro Baol.


OMG~this would be a challenge for anyone and you managed to fly over those bumps in the road!

Simona Carini

Ciao Jann. Cannoli are certainly not easy to make: so many details go into them. But the important thing is to try. Now I have a baseline that I can work towards improving.

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