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October 20, 2009


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I love Siena, and spent many times there to visit my aunt and cousin. My first boyfriend is from there ;o)

I make panforte for Christmas, so delicious!

Thanks for the memories....


Simona Carini

Ciao Laura. Are you going to write about your panforte? I hope so.

Jeremy Parzen

I love ricciarelli! sounds like a great trip...


Wonderful sights. Thanks for sharing your photos with us. I feel like I had a mini-vacation in the office. Back to work for me.


P.S. Looking forward to your pan co' santi post. ;-)


ehiiii simoooo, ma sei venuta in italia??!! una giratina a Verona? ;-)) spero tu abbia fatto buone vacanze, bacio!


Thanks for the lovely pictures and introduction to some lovely desserts I would love to try. I am planning a visit to Rome soon and Sienna is not far away from Rome. Maybe I can plan a visit there as well.

susan from food blogga

What a beautiful trip you had, Simona! You only make my longing to visit Italy more intense. :) You know, ricciarelli have been on my to-bake cookie list for the longest time. This is just the inspiration I needed to make some. Do you have a recipe that you love?

Lori Lynn

Thanks for the tour about town.
Good luck with your bread recipe.

Simona Carini

They are indeed very good, Jeremy. It was a fun trip.

Thanks Paz for the kind words: I am glad you enjoyed my photos. I have a few more to share in the near future.

Ciao Astro. Ebbene si', sono venuta in Italia, ma non a Verona. Prima o poi arrivo, non ti preoccupare, e festeggeremo il nostro incontro.

You are welcome, Ivy. I would certainly recommend a visit to Siena, if your schedule permits it.

Ciao Susan. I have actually never made ricciarelli, so I don't have a favorite recipe. Have you looked at this? http://italianfood.about.com/od/biscottietc/r/blr0518.htm I actually thought that only egg whites were used in ricciarelli, but also the recipe on the Accademia Italiana della Cucina uses some syrup. Let me know if you try it.

You are welcome, Lori Lynn. I have actually found an interesting recipe to start with.

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