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September 28, 2009


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So scrumptious, I am getting hungry! :-)

I recently had the good luck of finding ripe figs at the market.
I cut them in half and put them under the grill (broiler) until the top was sizzling and beginning to caramelize. I served them immediately with blue cheese, which I put on top of the figs the moment I took them out of the oven. The cheese was just beginning to melt when we started eating. It was delicious.

Where in Italy are you going?
I miss the days there. Wished I could return right away.
I am in love with the Veneto region along the Venetian Lagoon.

The Food Hunter

I love figs! this is great.


You come up with the most delicious combinations! Hope you and hubby are fine and had a great summer.......going back to ITsoon? I am missing being there this fall....take care!

Simona Carini

Figs and blue cheese: very nice! I wish I had a fig tree in my yard. We are going to Milan first and then to Perugia, my home town. I totally understand your love for the Laguna.

Thanks, Food Hunter.

Thanks, Jann. I am actually packing right now for our upcoming trip. I hope you get to visit Italy soon.


Gia' il titolo mi ha fatto venire l'acquolina...


Love the cheese and figs! Sorry I missed this event. Duly noted for next year.

Simona Carini

Far venire l'acquolina in bocca e' una soddisfazione.

Thanks, Katie.


I fichi col formaggio un po salato dovrebbero sposarsi bene, credo che con un buon rosato si completi il tutto.

Simona Carini

Ciao Andrea. L'abbinamento era proprio buono. Per il vino, mi fido di te. Se solo i fichi fossero meno rari qui!

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